Explain the basic legal rights of individuals and companies who are affected by cyber crime.

Protection from Cyber Crime Cybersecurity is not only an issue for governments and large corporations, it also impacts us as individuals. From a criminal justice professional perspective, provide a professional opinion about the issues related to security and protection from cybercrime. From a personal perspective, address the following. Describe the data you currently have that […]

Explain a minimum of two techniques you currently utilize to protect your valuable data from being a target of cyber crime.

Protection from Cyber Crime From a personal perspective, address the following. Describe the data you currently have that you consider important. Explain a minimum of two techniques you currently utilize to protect your valuable data from being a target of cyber crime. Describe what you could do to better protect yourself from cyber crime. From […]

Explain which of these two types of defense is the most likely to prevail in the greatest number of cyber crime cases and provide a rationale for your choice?

Defenses to Cyber Crime Allegations Include the following elements in your 400 word initial post: Define and examine both factual and legal defenses to cyber crime allegations. Your examination must include at least one scholarly source beyond this week’s required readings. Explain which of these two types of defense is the most likely to prevail […]

What are the differences and similarities between these two cyber attacks regarding the incident locations?

1) Briefly summarize the incident and illustrate the countermeasures, if any. 2) What are the differences and similarities between these two cyber attacks regarding the incident locations? 3) Discuss how TCB and Rings of Trust were/could be utilized in these two incidents. 4) Are there any cyber crime laws involved in this cyber news? What […]

Describe McKinnon in the context of the frameworks and theories of cyber-crime and cybercriminals discussed in the classroom.

Alleged computer hacker Gary McKinnon of the United Kingdom has publicly admitted to compromising computer systems belonging to NASA and the Department of Defense. Using information from your classroom, additional materials provided by your instructor, and your own independent research, discuss the impact of these widespread intrusions and comment on McKinnon’s self-proclaimed motivations. Describe McKinnon […]