Write a summary (between 1,500-2,500 words that describes the technology and how it can be used, its implications, and issues related to either information.

Module 12 – Mini Presentation Communicating Research QUESTION The objective of this assignment is to challenge you to effectively communicate the state of scholarly literature and research for a specific cybersecurity topic orally and in The topic in question is: Blockchain technology in the context of information security Write a summary (between 1,500-2,500 words that […]

Read Principles of Computer Security and in 400 words write about the most important information that stood out the most.

Cybersecurity INSS 4380 Chapter 1 & 2 Read Principles of Computer Security and in 400 words write about the most important information that stood out the most. You can use the notes, Link: Chap 1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Rof_LPS2DERg_AKt8NASeh_hXC1n6mx/view?usp=drivesdk Link: Chap 2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uuVRTAmKwvAsBVHcnloPjZpfk7Nr_Nsd/view?usp=drivesdk Or you can use the chapters, but they are not the best quality. Chap 1: […]

What could you use in your own line of work-Cybersecurity Officer

In your response posts, highlight the high-quality and helpful strategies that you observe in the posts of two peers. Be specific. Things you might consider: Which suggestions were the most helpful, given the circumstances? What surprised you? What could you use in your own line of work? Cybersecurity Officer

Write a cybersecurity control document for a case study regarding health information systems implementation.

Cyber Security Question Write a cybersecurity control document for a case study regarding health information systems implementation. https://www.studypool.com/questions/download?id=2755659&path=uploads/questions/4852288/20230225221655test_2__cybersecurity_controls.pdf&fileDownloadName=attachment_1  

Describe the specific tactics used to gain access to the target(s).

Project 4: The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Team Assignment Part 2: APT Analysis Provide a detailed analysis and description of the APT your group was assigned. Describe the specific tactics used to gain access to the target(s). Describe the tools used. Describe what the objective of the APT was/is. Was it successful?

What information do you need to find to continue answering or perhaps even refining your research question?

• What was your initial research question? Why should you choose cybersecurity as your career? • How did the sources you found impact your thinking about your topic? How did they impact your understanding of your topic? How did they affect your opinion on your topic? • Based on your research so far, how might […]

Why should you choose Cybersecurity as a Career?

Offer Your Initial Thoughts Your initial response this week must include the following information, which will allow your instructor and your peers to provide you with timely, effective feedback on your search strategies and possible sources: Your research question-Why should you choose Cybersecurity as a Career? A list of the keywords you used to search […]

How does the event relate to issues addressed in class?

Week 2 discussion This week in cyber security “This Week in Cybersecurity” discussion that focuses on developing issues in Cybersecurity. This discussion will provide you the opportunity to stay ‘attuned’ to current Cybersecurity issues in the news and share at least one event, activity, or development with the class. For example, if a major cyber-attack […]

What might the company do to prevent future cyberattacks?

Discussion 3: Business and IT Module 06: Cybersecurity and Risk Management Q: Cyberattacks are far more common than many realize. Select a national or international organization that has suffered from a cyberattack. Then, address the following requirements: Provide information about your organization (e.g., mission, vision, values, purpose, and industry). Explain the nature of the cyberattack […]

Explain the blockchain technology in layman’s terms to nontechnical people that may be reading the NSS

Cybersecurity Technologies The authors of the National Security Strategy (NSS) are looking to address technologies that will revolutionize cybersecurity. They believe that blockchain technology is a revolutionary technology that can significantly improve cybersecurity. o Propose exactly what you believe should be written in the NSS. Specifically, explain the blockchain technology in layman’s terms to nontechnical […]