Discuss what cybersecurity influences should interface with the National Voting Office’s business strategy for a secure Voting Day.

1. As the Cybersecurity Officer, you are on the leadership team of the Global Fashion Show attended by international dignitaries and their staff. Explain the environment of your Global Fashion Show. Discuss the NIST framework and how it could apply to the cybersecurity concerns of the Global Fashion Show. 2. You just opened a new […]

Discuss the societal implications of the information that came from Snowden.

Conduct research into the revelations about cybersecurity that were alleged by Edward Snowden. Complete a writing assignment about your research. From a legal perspective, discuss the violations that Snowden is accused of committing. Discuss the societal implications of the information that came from Snowden. Include at least one paragraph that supports the argument characterizing Snowden […]

do security breaches occur due to poor or incomplete laws, policies or guidelines?

Discussion post Cybersecurity is implemented by laws, international standards, guidelines, and finally, company policies. In spite of this, security breaches continue to occur. In your view, do security breaches occur due to poor or incomplete laws, policies or guidelines? Or, do infractions occur do to the failure to follow them? Contribute your opinion to the […]

Which of the following is your major (concentration) closest to?

Identifying Your Company and Your Role What is the name of this e-commerce company? (Do not choose a real company.) What is the fictional name of the CEO, and what is the fictional name of the CIO? (You can use a friend or family member if you want, or some celebrity or fictional character.) In […]

Summarize the article by explaining the main points found in the article, the importance of cybersecurity, and any other pertinent details found in the article

Find an article from a reputable source (scholar) about cybersecurity in healthcare (USA). Summarize the article by explaining the main points found in the article, the importance of cybersecurity, and any other pertinent details found in the article

Write a report on how far you were able to achieve.

Topic: Cybersecurity- Hack The Box penttest report Hack The Box Participate in Hack the Box, an online pentest competition (https://www.hackthebox.eu) Write a report on how far you were able to achieve. The report should include: Tools and techniques used Methodology Relationship of the competition to pentesting The overall value of the competition Include screenshots of […]

What was particularly challenging in this process- What wouchold you do differently next time?)

Topic: Cybersecurity Perform a FAIR end-to-end risk assessment using the Small Business Risk Analysis Case StudyActions . Your end-to-end assessment should include the following: Select a risk you would like to assess. Perform your scenario scoping and values selection. This should include: 1. Scope Table (with your most important scenarios), 2. LEF Table, 3. Primary […]

How those values were identified (if you did additional research or made assumptions, provide that information)

Topic: Cybersecurity Conduct quantitative risk assessments using the FAIR methodology for the top 3 risks from the above question. Feel free to use the FAIR-U tool. Provide the following information for each risk: All tables and continuums associated with the FAIR process All individual values used for each risk analysis How those values were identified […]

Explain what cyber insurance is and why the company needs it.

Topic: Cybersecurity: Research Report 1: Data Breach Incident Analysis & Report Read / Review the readings for Weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4. Research the types of insurance coverage that apply to data breaches. Pay attention to the security measures required by the insurance companies before they will grant coverage (“underwriting requirements”) and provisions for […]

What are your top three considerations in developing this mindset? Why? Explain in your initial post.

Thinking Like a Hacker Consider the importance of thinking like a hacker to a cybersecurity practitioner. What are your top three considerations in developing this mindset? Why? Explain in your initial post. In your responses to at least two classmates, compare and contrast your peer’s considerations with your own. Identify at least one resource or […]