Why is this important in relation to how we see the body on screen.

CHOOSE A DANCE SCENE IN THE MOVIE TO ANALYZE. Criteria to include in your essay: Summarize 1-2 dance scenes in the movie. Interpret a screen dance work within a social, historical, cultural, economic context. Locate and critically evaluate sources of information on screen dance. Use outside sources to back up why the dances are portrayed […]

Discuss what is the effect/meaning of the two dances, in what ways does the dance create its meaning/effect, and what are the similarities and differences created by the two dances and the way in which each used space, compositional tools, movement/body, and the production elements (film editing, sound design, costume, lighting etc.)

Watch two short videos “Anima (Netflix) and Chaiyya Chaiyya (Youtube). Answer the following questions: what is the effect/meaning of the two dances, in what ways does the dance create its meaning/effect, and what are the similarities and differences created by the two dances and the way in which each used space, compositional tools, movement/body, and […]