Give comparison between the data from a webpage and the data collected by the Pi

Internet of Things This assignment is composed of three tasks. These tasks require that you search online for tools that allow you to complete them using Node-Red on the Pi. 1. Task 1: Use Node-Red to develop a dashboard to display the time. The submission should include. a) A picture of the node-red dashboard side […]

Examine how your chosen theoretical standpoint classifies children and adolescents that present with disorders.

Darwin, Freud, and Hall Using what you have learned about various theorists in this module, incorporate either Darwin, Freud, or Hall’s perspective and apply your understanding to the questions below. As you answer the questions, clarify your position regarding the theorist’s position you are taking in your answers. Keep in mind your answer should come […]

Discuss,Darwin was not the first to suggest that life has evolved over time. What two ideas did Darwin develop?How did those ideas differ from earlier ideas, and how have those ideas changed since?

Darwin was not the first to suggest that life has evolved over time. What two ideas did Darwin develop?How did those ideas differ from earlier ideas, and how have those ideas changed since? Does the theory of evolution provide an adequate explanation for the diversity of the Galápagos finches (and other life in general)?Why or […]