Explain carefully why the results are different, relating your discussion to sector wage discrimination.

Before estimating the regression equation, conduct an overall preliminary analysis of the relationship between workers’ wages and sector, gender, educational attainment, age and marital status.   Use tables and/or appropriate graphs for the categorical variables (male, public, degree, married) and the numerical variable (age). Interpret your findings by comparing and contrasting the earnings of the […]

How to go about with the methodological part of the data analysis, but stopping where the method part ends.

Topic: Data analysis report using R to investigate a topic in politics of social inequality The paper should be a 3000 word data analysis report in a format that resembles a PNAS data report. The idea of this data analysis report is to very quickly introduce a question and theory and then spend the majority […]

Would the data analysis inherent in a qualitative descriptive design effectively address the questions? Explain

Topic: Discussion post 2(b) Six months ago, large amounts of funds were allocated to temporary shelters for people who are homeless in your county. However, a recent county data report indicated that people who are homeless are still sleeping in their cars or in parks. You are the lead researcher in the county’s office and […]

Discuss how the p value relates to the significance level. Compare the p value and significance level, and make a decision to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

You have been hired by the Regional Real Estate Company to help them analyze real estate data. One of the company’s Pacific region salespeople just returned to the office with a newly designed advertisement. The average cost per square foot of home sales based on this advertisement is $280. The salesperson claims that the average […]

What experiences can you share about strategic HRM and technology migrating?

Discussion post and review We are all from different social, cultural, economic, and demographic backgrounds. This course brought us together as one group. For your first post, discuss your experience of learning about your classmates and how it impacted your understanding of people from other backgrounds. Post one quality Paragraph In your second post, reflect […]

What is the level of measurement for each of the variables?

PART 3 Part 3: Exploratory Data Analysis and Descriptive Statistics I. Provide all TABLES AND GRAPHS for your data A. These must include the following: i. Classify EACH variable as qualitative or quantitative. ii. Classify the quantitative variable as discrete or continuous. iii. Frequency distribution for all of the variables. iv. Relative frequency distribution for […]

How much your work is valued can depend heavily on how well the results of that analysis are articulated

Presenting Statistical Results for Decision Making Introduction The ability to translate analytic results into clear, concise, and actionable results is a vital skill for health care administrators. Because decision making is increasingly data-driven and evidence-based, managers are frequently required to formally present statistical results to leadership. Sometimes, decision makers differ as to how well they […]

How much class time should teachers devote to data analysis?

1. How much class time should teachers devote to data analysis? 2. How would you respond to a parent who is concerned that you spend too much time on data analysis? 3. Choose one of the data standards that are listed within our text in the CCSS boxes 16-1-16.6. Explain the standard you have chosen […]