How might a qualitative researcher determine an appropriate sample size, and how does this impact transferability which is an element of trustworthiness.

Question 1: Consider the differences in quantitative and qualitative research when it comes to sample size and confidentiality. For example what is the difference between sampling plans. Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: How might a qualitative researcher determine an appropriate sample size, and how does this impact transferability which is an […]

What solution can we find to maintain a similar or higher level of safety on long-haul flights operated with only 2 pilots in the future?

Risk of reducing pilot number on long haul flight (human factor) 1/ How are human factors affected when reducing the number of pilots on long-haul flights (more than 9h30) from 4 or 3 to only 2? What are the Risks? (example and reference from books) Definition of human factors to be used for this work: […]

What are the barriers to non-native international students’ Gamecocks football game attendance?”

Essay Assignment 2 Topic: Qualitative Data Collection to Understand Consumers There are several key things to look for: Make a research question and set target consumers for the assignment. For instance, “What are the barriers to non-native international students’ Gamecocks football game attendance?” Provide clarification in your essay. Then, you will collect qualitative data to […]

Write a two-to three-page explanation of the data collection plan for your Action Research Plan.

Topic: The Action Research Plan Part 3 Write a two-to three-page explanation of the data collection plan for your Action Research Plan. Be sure to include the following elements in your explanation: Present a data collection matrix similar to the one on p. 107 of Action Research A Guide for the Teacher Researcher: Identify your […]

choose the qualitative organization plan option in this section. 

In week 1, you selected a topic and developed a research question for that topic. Then, you developed a data gathering instrument to measure the question either quantitatively or qualitatively. Now that you have had the opportunity to read how scholarly methodologies are written, you will write a condensed 3–4-page methodology section for your research […]

What kind of data would you need to collect during the program evaluation phase to determine whether the program met its objectives?

Topic: program evaluation. Revisit the SMART objectives you developed for your program. What kind of data would you need to collect during the program evaluation phase to determine whether the program met its objectives? Describe the data collection methods you would use during your program evaluation.  

Discuss design choices, and for each choice you will describe, explain, and justify, as well as anchoring it back to methodological literature:

Topic: Negative Effect of Standardized Testing Research Design (4-5 pages). The third part of your signature piece paper should explain the research strategy and the design of the study. Here you should clarify the tradition of research you are locating your work in (quantitative, qualitative, or action research) and explain why it is especially appropriate […]

Write a two-page report on your statistics-Can you see a pattern in the observations-If yes, why do you think that pattern exists?

Observation Study For this assignment you will discuss the following two questions. Remember to follow APA format and reference as necessary. Question 1:Observation Study Visit a store (grocery or major retail store) and spend at least two hours there during the peak period. Observe the service the store provides to customers while they are checking […]

Write 8Calcium supplementation commencing before or early in pregnancy, for preventing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

Topic: Articles for critical appraisal and for data collection forms Do for each critical appraisal following the CASP checklist here is the link to the available checklists Choose the checklist that matches the study type. Fill out the data collection forms uploaded below for each article. 1.Antenatal corticosteroids for accelerating fetal lung maturation for […]

Explain how and why you will select participants from a specific population.

Using the template provided below and your relevant discussions from previous assignments in this course, with refinements from your instructors’ feedback, as appropriate: construct a proposed qualitative research plan. Your plan should reflect the features of qualitative research and the rationale for selecting a specific research design. Remember to support your work with citations. TEMPLATE […]