What are other ways you can strengthen the results of the study? Consider reviewing the triangulation method.

Data Collection This is the questions asked from the teacher based on the discussion post that was provided .Semi-structured interviews are a great way to acquire respondents’ experiences to develop an in-depth understanding of your concept (suicide prevention). 1.What are other ways you can strengthen the results of the study? Consider reviewing the triangulation method. […]

Describe the different settings in which experimental research is conducted and the advantages and disadvantages associated with each setting.

Introduction to research methods take home examWeek 2 – Learning Objectives: Describe the different types of variables used in quantitative research. Explain the nature of causation and how researchers establish cause-and-effect relationships. Describe the key characteristics of the experimental research approach as used in psychology. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of experimental research. Describe the […]

How might you go about replicating this approach in your institution or organization?

Discussion 3 How might you go about replicating this approach in your institution or organization? Post the following: 1. How your population matches the populations in your research articles. 2. The intervention you would implement 3. Define baseline data collection sources,method, and measures. 4. Expected outcome change in practice

Discuss key issues regarding quantitative data collection and analysis for this research project

4. Based on their analysis, groups should provide key recommendations and conclusions for the client. The research report, which is worth 50% of your overall grade, should include the following: • Research brief, client details and research objectives (1 page approx.) • Research Report (this should cover all of the areas outlined above as well […]

What are the possible ethical issues that could arise, how will you manage this, where will you apply for ethical clearance for your study?Describe

Description This is a research proposal (part 2 of the literature review you did for me on bedside handover). Please let me know if you need me to send you the literature review for reference. This assignment is linked with assignment 1. Now you that you have learnt how to conduct a literature review. Previously […]

What do we mean by primary data collection?For what reason researchers need to collect primary data?Discuss

Description This is a Doctoral level work. Hence a high level of critical thinking is required. For this formative task please initiate a discussion on the importance of primary data collection using the attached course materials. In your discussion, make sure to address the following: – What do we mean by primary data collection? – […]