Consider strong supporting evidence, pros, and cons. Is this study/solution realistic?

Topic: Data Science and it’s relationship to big data driven decisions making Case Study report Outline Read and Examine the Case/Journal Thoroughly Take notes, highlight relevant facts, underline key problems. Focus Your Analysis Identify two to five key points/problems. Why do they exist? How do they impact the industry/organization? Who is responsible for them? III. […]

Write a essay surrounding religious, ethical, philosophical, or moral implications of work related to Data Science / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning. The goal is to argue a specific point about a topic.

Topic: Religious, ethical, philosophical, or moral implications of work related to Data Science / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Write a essay surrounding religious, ethical, philosophical, or moral implications of work related to Data Science / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning. The goal is to argue a specific point about a topic. Try to be […]

Describe and compare dynamic macroeconomic and financial models by using appropriate econometric, machine learning and computational methods, to provide economic policy and financial guidance.

Upon successful completion of FHEQ Level 6 of BSc Economics, Finance, and Data Science programme students will: • Have developed knowledge in a number of specialised areas in microeconomics and be able tosynthesise and evaluate research literature in these areas, proficiently analyse microeconomic issues using advanced analytical methods and creatively formulate and address research questions […]

The importance of data-science for E-Bike manufacturers.

The importance of data-science for E-Bike manufacturers Hej, this whitepaper is intended for marketing purposes (“Download Whitepaper”). Decision makers of E-Bike (pedelec) manufacturing companies will read that paper. For example: In the attached pdf I already created an index with headlines and further details. You are the experts so feel free to find better headlines […]

Describe your aptitude and motivation for graduate study in Data Science, including your preparation for this field of study and your future career goals.

describe your aptitude and motivation for graduate study in Data Science, including your preparation for this field of study and your future career goals. Please be specific about why the UC Berkeley MIDS program would be a good intellectual fit for you.”

Discuss:If you were a director at Nutri Mondo, what action would you recommend based on the data provided by the data science team and why?

To prepare for this discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources, as well as all the media related to Nutri Mondo found in The World of Data Science. If you were a director at Nutri Mondo, what action would you recommend based on the data provided by the data science team and why? What action—or actions—would […]