Write one paragraph to the CEO to explain each of your data visualizations.

Supply Chain Question Your CEO is curious about how data visualization works. The CEO has a file of customer loans and he wants to be able to visualize the information. It is your task to discover the best way to visualize the data you have been given. The following is the necessary information to complete […]

What data did you use to determine whether the product is meeting expectations?

Step 1: Explain the Importance of Data Analysis 1-What is the importance of data analysis? How can it help you understand whether the new product had a successful launch? What are you reporting on and what are you analyzing? Why is it important to analyze this information? Your response should be between 100–200 words.  2-Describe […]

How useful are the visualizations to your understanding of the data?

Many businesses and organizations compile data visualizations into dashboards, allowing viewers to easily see the story the data tells. For this discussion: Use the Internet to find a data dashboard. This might be a dashboard from a community organization, a business, or a department of a city, state, or federal government. Share the link to […]

Is the purpose of the memo clearly stated and consistently made throughout the document?

Before you begin to revise for submission of the Research Summary final draft, it’s good to think through what specific issues need to be addressed in your draft and consider all the topics discussed in the Collective Feedback File (CFF). To help you strategically plan your revision, consider and respond to the following: Identify any […]

How does the visualization use color, ordering, layout, and hierarchy to prioritize information?

3-2 Discussion: The Importance of Data Visualizations Data visualization methods offer a different landscape for explaining situations using data. Graphical representations of information, if created properly, can make vital information more intuitive, contextualized, and accessible. Visualization plays an essential part in analyzing big data and simplifying complex data-intensive scenarios. In this discussion, using the Viz […]