Describe the appearance of the element. Include information oncolorwhat it feels likedegree of hardness or softness (you may use the Mohs scale, but also describe qualitatively

Give the name and symbol of the element with atomic number and mass number. Tell the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons. 2.Tell the date the element was discovered, where, and by whom (if known). If the element was discovered in antiquity, tell which nation or tribe was the first known to use the element. […]

Discuss How big data and blockchain can contribute to the pandemic COVID-19. What nature or benefit helps to achieve this?

Research Question: Emerging Technologies (Big data and Blockchain) in Accounting and Its Potential in Pandemic Introduction Body 1: Big Data Overview Benefits Limitations Body 2: Blockchain Overview Benefits Limitations Body 3: Potential contributions to the pandemic How big data and blockchain can contribute to the pandemic COVID-19. What nature or benefit helps to achieve this? […]

Are you more likely to collect quantitative data, qualitative data, or both? Explain.

Data Collection Process Researchers must make important decisions about the types of data they will collect. Data may be quantitative, qualitative, or both. • What data are necessary to your professional practice? • How do you collect data for decision making? • Are you more likely to collect quantitative data, qualitative data, or both? Explain. […]

Describe Why the poster, Presentation, and oral talk (if provided) are very good ways to visualise data and interpret it, here you need to use three different references to support your thoughts and opinion).

Part 2 which is a criticism in both the poster and the presentation using the same document by writing 1500 words on what you think about your peer’s Part 1 assignment and how to he/she can improve the quality of his/her work according to the theory that you have learned throughout the module by evaluating […]

What wonderings do you have about your professional practice? What do you need to know more about to be optimally effective? What situations need to be examined? Think specifically about your specific school or organizational situation, and avoid outside issues and conditions over which you have little control.Discuss.

Part 1: Purpose, Problem Statement and Research Questions Directions: 1. Review “Thinking It Through” in the Module 1 assignment. 2. Access the article, Action Research to Improve Teaching and Learning, by Roberta Ross-Fisher in the Ebsco-Proquest database. This article describes the steps of action research, including the development of a problem statement and research questions. […]

What data in the scenario are pertinent?What type of nursing assessment would you expect to complete and why?Why would you need to establish assessment priorities?What patient factors would assist in identifying and prioritizing data?What challenges might the nurse encounter during data collection?

You are a nurse admitting a patient to the hospital from the emergency department (ED) with shortness of breath and recent weight loss. After receiving a report from the ED nurse, you ready the patient’s room according to unit specifications and collect the necessary equipment and forms. When the patient arrives, she is using oxygen […]

Analyze and describe the class statistically, using primary data from the Information Sheet that you completed earlier.

In this assignment, you will analyze and describe the class statistically, using primary data from the Information Sheet that you completed earlier. When you write the report, your name should appear in the upper right-hand corner on the first and all succeeding pages. Begin the short report by briefly introducing the class, such as course […]

Discuss rationale for why this intervention was chosen and how it is based on the needs of the practicum site.

Problem Statement and Significance of the Practice Problem (include in-text citations) Present your problem statement. Examine the issue and its significance from a global perspective. Consider the issue and its significance from a nationwide perspective. Discuss the issue and its significance within the practicum site. Describe current practice/process leading to the issue. Discuss available data […]