Was the group or population of interest adequately described? Were the setting and sample described in sufficient detail?Discuss.

Chapter 4 Reading and Critiquing Research Articles TABLE 4.2 Guide to a Focused Critique of Evidence Quality in a Qualitative Research Report Aspect of the Report Critiquing Questions Detailed Critiquing Guidelines Method Research design and research tradition ● Is the identified research tradition (if any) congruent with the methods used to collect and analyze data? ● […]

Outline and describe your data. Where is it from? How well does it represent what you want to examine? How reliable is your sample? What are the key strengths and/or limitations of your data? Summarise your data for the reader–outline key characteristics/features and discuss relevant and informative summary statistics. N.B. You must use a dataset with at least 50 observations. Are graphs and/or tables used appropriately?

Report title (cover page): give it an informative (and ideally interesting) title. I. Introduction (15 marks) Introduce your research idea! What relationship are you looking for? Why might it be expected to exist? Why does it matter (the motivation for the reader to continue)? II. Data (25 marks) Report title (cover page): give it an informative (and ideally interesting) […]

Discuss:Was the context for the research properly established?,Was the significance of the research properly established?

Evaluate two of the exemplar final projects. For the peer reviews, all the items in the final project rubric and the course outcomes are fair game for your commentary; however, follow this peer review checklist of 20 items to guide your critique. Each critique should be about two to three paragraphs. The reviews should be […]

How does the use of data and information affect the ability of Zappos to manage performance and interact with customers and potential customers?

Reflect upon these questions: How does the use of data and information affect the ability of Zappos to manage performance and interact with customers and potential customers? What specific issues are found in your own organization (or a company of your choice) concerning the use of data and the performance of the organization?

Describe How data mining can be used to analysis data within Hotels

Hello plese find the below outline and the attached file including several figursr. Please add the figures to the work and describe them and explain the figures the course work is about data set about hotel demand booking, this data used to analysis the hotel industry for more details about the data set please follow […]

Explain the differences between sampling methods ?,How does secondary data differ from primary data ?

1. The work should be as a Journal in reflective writing type and include a brief answer on the questions: a) Explain the differences between sampling methods ? and b) How does secondary data differ from primary data ? 2. How it can relate to workplace and how it can aid your personal and professional […]

Discuss:What data is relied on?,How is data collected?,How is data analysed?

Question In your lectures, four rationales for organisational analysis are described. 1 Critically discuss the argument presented by the How is data analysed?(s). Answer hints: How do the author(s) try to describe their context? (e.g. how is the narrative presented?) 2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers? Answer hints: […]

Explain TWO data collection techniques of your choice. Examples of data collection techniques or source of evidence are interviews, participant observation and fieldwork, direct observations, using documents or archival records.

Module 4 – Case OVERVIEW OF METHODS IN BUSINESS RESEARCH Assignment Overview In this assignment we will evaluate qualitative research methods in more depth. In the previous case assignment, you were expected to compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative methodologies, as well as mixed method. In this Case Assignment, you will evaluate in more detail […]