Develop a proposal (in APA-manuscript format) for data collection. Specifically, you will be required to clearly explain and justify the data-collection plan you would follow to do the training program evaluation.

Scenario: An insurance company has hired you to do an evaluation of its training program, Members of management are particularly concerned about the new-hire training for new insurance agents. This training teaches the agents about all of the different policies offered by the company for life, auto, homer and health insurance. The current situation is […]

Discuss and reflect on your conclusions of the research process and this assignment in its entirety.

  1. Data Collection Procedures (Describe the step-by-step process you would use to collect your data?) 2. Data Analysis (Select two types of statistics you would use to analyze gathered data; not stats formula details, but which stats you would use) 3. Contribution to the Field (explain the benefits to individuals, groups and society as […]

Describe the type of data needs to be collected to conduct the study and what techniques are best for collecting data.

Create a research question in the field of psychology that you are interested in researching. Write questions clearly. Include a brief background of the problem you are proposing and why it is important to the field of psychology. State the null and alternative hypothesis (in both words and statistical notation) need to address the research […]

Discuss:How reading a lot allows you to do better in school,Why some people find it hard to sit still?

Write an informative essay that will leave your reader understanding the finer points of this issue, understanding confusing data or claims made by others, and generally inform. Include an introduction, cited material from outside sources to help explain the topic and a conclusion. Include transitions that move the paper froward and link ideas clearly. Include […]

What is the corporation’s history of existence and what products and/or services does the company offer?

What is the corporation’s history of existence and what products and/or services does the company offer? Each company employs what types of information systems? Such as management information systems, HR systems, transaction processing systems, etc. Are there similarities in the business information systems employed by the companies being analyzed? How can information systems be used […]

What role do extraneous variables play in our interpretation of data?

What role do extraneous variables play in our interpretation of data? Provide examples where the statistical results could be influenced by other factors. For example, a group may spend 50% less on hair care products which could indicate they have less hair or it could mean they have poor personal hygiene.

What types of data can be used to generate different kinds of graphs?,How have you used data to showcase an example or solve a problem? Did you get the outcome you expected? Explain.

Looking at probability in research, which do you believe is the best approach between classical, empirical, and subjective? Explain. When working with research, would you rather use conditional or joint probability? Explain                                                                                               Research involves measurement scales, of which there are four types. In data collection, what sources of data would you use, and how would […]

Explain the data collection and sample constructs.,explain the modelandits variables and identify the databases used.

Define your research aim/problem and the context/setting of your research. Define your research questions or hypotheses and explain the theory you have applied to determine them.Explain, in practical terms alone, the research methodology and approach you have adopted toward achieving your research aim. Explain the data collection and sample constructs.For quantitative methods: explain the modelandits […]

What method of inquiry did you use? What data did you use? Where/how did you collect it? How did you process the data? What statistical test did you use?

What method of inquiry did you use? What data did you use? Where/how did you collect it? How did you process the data? What statistical test did you use? Why did you use it? How did you ensure the data met the assumptions of the test? Discuss sample size and power. Summarize this section within […]

Describe any strengths or weaknesses with respect to the proposed sampling, design, and data collection methods. What will not be “proven” though your study? Ethical Considerations

Explain your topic. Make a case for why this topic is important to the field of psychology. Dependent and independent variables: Operationally define the dependent and independent variables for each hypothesis. Describe detailed information about how your study will be conducted. Include the following in your method sections: Participant Selection: Explain who your participants will […]