Explain why and why not for each tool( minimum of three tools).

Assume the role of an HR professional who has been assigned the task of improving the success rate of your organization’s expatriate program. 1.Using what you read on pp. 11–13 of “Keys to Expatriate Success: A Toolkit for Diversity Management,” create a data-gathering tool you would use to audit the organization’s current expatriate process (e.g., […]

Start the first paragraph with “big data” that gets narrower to your specific population.

Homework Assignment 1: Creating a Program Rationale Purpose: For this assignment, you will create a short (1 page) program rationale. The topic should be a health topic that you are interested in that is relevant to Alaskans. In some cases, with prior instructor approval, students may change their final project topic later in the semester. […]

Describe how the major types of knowledge (i.e., tacit and explicit) are transformed in the Nonaka and Takeuchi knowledge spiral model of KM.

This Assignment is a report-based assignment. Besides other materials like journal papers, report, and research articles, students are advised to read chapter 1 to chapter 3 thoroughly from the book prescribed for this course. Students must use proper references to justify their assignment work. The Assignment structure is as follows: Introduction: (5 Marks) Discuss the […]

Does the explanation of why this industry could differentiate itself and benefit from hospitality make sense?

Strategy Section 1: Selection of Non-Hospitality Company Using data analytics skills and following the suggestion of the article, “How to Get Smart on a New Industry”, students will identify a non-hospitality company or product that could differentiate itself and benefit from adding a hospitality component. Students will be assessed on: Thoroughness of section: Is there […]

How do you see this conflict of wanting privacy, but also wanting to be known?

For this discussion question consider the contradiction between self-disclosure and privacy. As Dr. John points out we trust people who are more open, forthright and honest. We distrust people who seem to withhold information about themselves. We also have an internal conflict of wanting to share information about ourselves, (our favorite subject to talk about […]

What is the influence of the competence profile of employees and technology on municipalities that work data-driven with a data lab?

What is the influence of the competence profile of employees and technology on municipalities that work data-driven with a data lab? Provide some theory about: Competence profiles of employees IT technologies And how both effect this for the use of Data-driven working for municipalities with a datalab  

What steps would you take to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of the learners, matches the relevant standards and the existing school improvement plans and will be implemented with fidelity?

Topic: Data Aligned Action Plan Descriptive narrative: What steps would you take to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of the learners, matches the relevant standards and the existing school improvement plans and will be implemented with fidelity? (500 – 700 words) Curriculum Topics Relevant Anchor Standards Data Gathered & Data Analyzed Person(s) collecting […]

Write one paragraph description/justification of how your chosen instrument/protocol is the best choice for answering the quantitative version of your research question.

Research question The research question used “Can machine learning  aid in preventing cybersecurity attacks in healthcare”, Overview: Using the topic and research question you developed in week 1, you will design a quantitative instrument that could potentially answer your topic/research question if it were to be applied to a quantitative study. You will develop a […]

What codes must be entered into the EHR so that this data is calculated and reported accurately?

Topic: Week 3 EHR Optimization Part 1 Watch the Data Definition Simulation to guide you through collecting the necessary information. Navigate to the eCQI Resource Center. Complete the Performance Measure Data Definition worksheet for CSM122v8’s data definition. Answer the following questions: What data needs to be captured to calculate this eCQM? What codes must be […]