What are the strengths and weaknesses, and what strategy would you recommend?

TGT Balance Sheet Analysis Using the SEC EDGAR Database, write a four-page, APA-formatted paper that reviews the current assets, accounts receivable, other current assets, equipment, property, current liabilities, long-term debt, and stockholders’ equity of Target CORP. Based on the review, present a recommendation to a friend who is considering investing in the company. What are […]

Write an SQL command to set the millage value to 150 for a car with VIN 123VNOP

Information Storage and Retrieval Concepts Consider a dealership that sells both new and used cars. Data requirements are summarized as follow: All cars are identified by a VIN (unique alphanumeric identifier for each car), make, model, year, and color, millage, and state (new or used). A salesperson may sell many cars, but each car is […]

What is the Compile-time defenses /techniques to harden programs to resist attacks against operating systems?

Operating system and team management QUESTION 1 There is a need for an Intrusion Detection System. Read the given parameters and write your decision about the type of intrusion detection system you would use to fulfill the requirements; Requirements: The intrusion detection system must Monitor system activities for signs of suspicious behavior. Analyze traffic and […]

Explain how the bottom up design approach differs from the top down design approach.

Database Design Complete a write-up for the following questions A) Identify all of the database design steps and describe each. Highlight the value of each step. Each step and description should be approximately 200-300 words B) Explain how the bottom-up design approach differs from the top-down design approach. Which approach do you believe should be […]

Why would you not want to use the highest security level in Access so that no macros are allowed?

Module 6 Discussion For this module, you are required to answer at least two discussion questions on the discussion board. You are also required to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Why would you want to remove the users of a database from the Access environment? For what reasons might you want […]

Which cloud computing benefit do you feel is the most important and why?

Database Exercise What is meant by the term ‘client-server architecture’ and what are the advantages of this approach? Compare the client-server architecture with two other architectures. Include a description of the 3 service models defined by NIST. Which cloud computing benefit do you feel is the most important and why? Which cloud computing risk do […]

Discuss one of the organizations that you identified that uses Big Data and briefly describe the use of Big Data in the organization.

IT Matters” Discussion Board Research the concept of Big Data. Find at least one company that maintains a “Big Data” database. What is Big Data? Give at least three examples of organizations that have Big Data sets. What are the applications? Discuss one of the organizations that you identified that uses Big Data and briefly […]

What are the benefits and limitations of a relational database management system?

Select a question and post a new thread answering that question in at least 300 words. For your thread, choose to answer one question or prompt from below (Pick One) 1. What are the benefits and limitations of a relational database management system? 2. Explain the purpose and basic framework for an enterprise system. 3. […]

Discuss the differences between database systems and information retrieval systems.

Database system Define the following terms: data, database, DBMS, database system, data base catalog, program-data independence, user view, DBA, end user, canned transaction, deductive database system, persistent object, meta-data, and transaction-processing application. 1.2. What four main types of actions involve databases? Briefly discuss each. 1.3. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how […]