Which electronic database would you use most and what types of search words would you use?

Objectives Identify electronic database search strategies (e.g.,CINAHL, PubMed) Locating and evaluating sources of evidence Deliverables Write a 3-5 page (not including the title and reference pages) paper APA formatted paper with an introduction and conclusion. APA headings for each section of the paper At least 3 peer reviewed articles Step 1: Research Interview a librarian […]

What normal form is the relation in? Normalize it up to 3NF.

IT/BIFX 530 Applied Database Systems 1 of 1 Homework 4: Normalization Consider the following relation that involves student data: Assume that only one professor teaches a class section, and professors teach in only one department. Suppose the following dependencies exist: What normal form is the relation in? Normalize it up to 3NF. Given the EMPLOYEES […]

Create 3 reports. Upload screenshots for each of the above in a Word document explaining your process and what problems you experienced.

In this assignment, you will start building your database in MS SQL Server Studio. Attempt three of the five tasks: Review this source for how to create MS SQL Server Report Builder Create 3 reports. Upload screenshots for each of the above in a Word document explaining your process and what problems you experienced.  

Provide values for all fields, making sure that values correspond to data types for the individual columns.

BYBG/ISGB 7973, Database Management Assignment 3 Pine Valley Furniture Corporation This assignment is built around the Pine Valley Furniture Corporation case from the textbook. Download the files PVFC_description.docx and PVFC.zip, available under the tab Software Workshops on the Blackboard site for the course. Review the description of the PVFC application. Create and populate the tables […]

Should ASG consider geofencing for promotion and possibly partnerships for greater promotion and distribution of the chosen children’s or youth product you chose?

Topic: Applying the Marketing Mix Choose one of the ASG products from one of the three product lines provided for the youth product line for ages 10 and up of children’s products for ages 5—£1. Do some investigation as to the current marketing mix of the children’s or youth product line you chose using the […]

Which additional entities would the DBA need to include in the database to store this data?

Submit your answers to the following questions in a 2-3 page APA-formatted paper. Using everything you have learned in the course thus far, it is now time to design the NEW JCC RDBMS and demonstrate some of the functionality: Using the tables from the Sample Data for JCC, examine each table and determine which tables […]

focus on is explaining the positive and negative side effects of social media for younger kids.

Topic: Positive and Negative effects on young peoples use of social media This assignment is a exploratory essay. The topic you shall focus on is explaining the positive and negative side effects of social media for younger kids. You should use sources and site them and find 2-3 sources within Mississippi State University Library database, […]

Describe functional dependency only; NOT full functional dependency, or partial dependency, or transitive dependency.

Topic: week 6 database exercise Review question 14.17 and 14.18 on page 429 – 430 of the Connolly textbook as background for the below question. Then, using the information in the figure below, answer the following questions. For each sale, a car can be sold to only one customer; however, each customer can buy (own) […]

Describe the differences between data, information, and knowledge;

Describe the differences between data, information, and knowledge; define the term database and identify the steps to creating one; describe the role of a database management system; describe the characteristics of a data warehouse; and define data mining and describe its role in an organization.

calculated column that calculates the cost of cooling using $0.00124 per Cooling BTU formatted with the Accounting Number Format.

Topic: week 4 database Open the HVAC_Cooling Excel file, and save the file as Lastname_Firstname_HVAC_Cooling. Insert the your name in the footer. In the worksheet, insert an Excel table with a header row. A dd a calculated column that calculates the cost of cooling using $0.00124 per Cooling BTU formatted with the Accounting Number Format. […]