Describe the main purpose of the article and three ideas or issues you learned about.

Financial Market Research Module 01 Content Visit one of the websites or library databases below to find a finance article that interests you. Yahoo Finance ( MarketWatch ( Click on “Markets,” “Personal Finance,” or “Economy” Motley Fool ( Click on any sections at the top or see the Trending section Other credible financial sites In […]

Write a SELECT to find the maximum and minimum temperatures taken for each of your patients.

CHIP 490.297: Into to Databases in Healthcare… Using the Patient, Medications, Prescriptions and Temperatures Schema (located in link above) that we arrived at in class, insert some fake data and then write SQLto do the following: [5%] Write a SELECT that lists all patients (one per row) and the COUNT of the prescriptions that […]

Where might you find these sources outside of your typical evidence locations?

EXPLORATION OF SOURCES OF EVIDENCE For this Discussion, you will explore the sources of evidence necessary for your identified practice problem. These sources of evidence may be derived from library databases related to nursing, or you may find sources necessary for your practice problem in the form of interviews or library databases related to other […]

Do they know why it is done this way, or is it just because we have always done it this way?

EVIDENCE-BASED PROJECT, PART 1: IDENTIFYING RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES Is there a difference between “common practice” and “best practice”? When you first went to work for your current organization, experienced colleagues may have shared with you details about processes and procedures. Perhaps you even attended an orientation session to brief you on these matters. As a “rookie,” […]

Describe concrete strategies you can use to evaluate, organize, and synthesize literature related to a research problem.

Describe several purposes that a literature review can serve during the planning of a research project. Explain how you might effectively use five general resources to locate related literature: (a) The library catalog, (b) Online databases, (c) Reference librarians, (d) Internet search engines (e) Other researchers’ reference lists. Describe concrete strategies you can use to […]

Identify a nursing intervention and formulate a question based on this you may choose your personal synopsis diabetics/copd etc .

An annotated bibliography Only primary research should be used in all three papers. Part 1 – Identify a nursing intervention and formulate a question based on this you may choose your personal synopsis diabetics/copd etc . Part 2 – Using an appropriate search strategy locate 3 evidence primary research papers from appropriate databases that discuss […]

Explain the challenges associated with the accuracy of victim responses to victimization surveys.

Explain the challenges associated with reporting data to crime databases (such as the UCR, NIBRS, or the NCVS) experienced by victims, witnesses and police. Make sure to include police-related factors that may affect reported crime rates. Explain the challenges associated with the accuracy of victim responses to victimization surveys.

What can be done to improve the marketing aspects of the business?

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences Requirement: This is a continuous activity for part A, keep working on the same website you have chosen in part A. In this part you are required to evaluate one of the websites below based on what you learn from this course and your perspective. The evaluation will cover […]

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each application.

Discussion 3 – Databases vs Spreadsheets If you are to consider the value of data for businesses then you will need to understand the important characteristics of Databases and how they differ from Spreadsheet applications. Just as important as the value of your data is the efficiency and integrity kept in using that data. This […]