What independent variable is used and how is it measured?

CRJs statistics To prepare for this Assignment: Review the datasets provided. Construct a research question with social change implications based on one of those datasets. Be sure to focus on the assumptions of this test and ask yourself, “Does it make sense to interpret the mean of this dependent variable?” Remember that you will need […]

Discuss the steps you took to visualize the data using Google Data Studio.

Answer the following questions used on GCP and python files Homework Assignment: Joining Data from Two Different Publicly Available Datasets For this homework assignment, you will join data from two different publicly available datasets available through GCP. These data sets are Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) Indicators and World Development Indicators. In order to complete […]

What are the two primary goals of companies who engage in e-procurement-what strategies do they use to achieve those goals?

Assignments 9;3 Pages PART 1: What is showrooming? Are customers who engage in it acting ethically? Provide reasons for your answer. Why is the online B2B market so much larger than the online B2C market? What are the two primary goals of companies who engage in e-procurement and what strategies do they use to achieve […]