How has the social class of your parents and your upbringing influenced your success in school and your professional aspirations?

Question Answer all the question What is the solution to stop the rise of homegrown terrorism in the U.S.? Should more gun control laws be enacted in the U.S.? Should there be a legal penalty for using racial slurs? Should the death penalty be used in all cases involving first-degree murder? Should prisons be privately […]

What does the research say as being a tangible, measurable, and realistic solution to address the disparity within that specific component of the US correction system-Do you agree or disagree?

Discuss your answers in a well-developed reply In your initial post, discuss the prevalence of racial disparity within a specific component of the US correctional system (jails, probation, parole, prisons, death penalty, etc.) by referencing at least one scholarly/academic source. Avoid discussing racial disparity for the US correctional system as a whole as this is […]

Would you use this measure-Why or why not?

Risk Assessment Choose 1 risk assessment and answer the following questions: Risk assessments: -Risk assessment for violence within populations of those with serious mental illness. -Violence risk assessment of offenders who are facing capital punishment (death penalty). 1) Name of the assessment. 2) Purpose of the assessment and a brief description. (Use your book, library […]

Discuss the current status of the death penalty in the United States. State whether you support or are against the death penalty and why.

Discuss the current status of the death penalty in the United States. State whether you support or are against the death penalty and why. For what crimes is the death penalty currently legal in the United States? Is it legal to execute someone who was a juvenile at the time of the crime? Be sure […]

Discuss the arguments in favor of supporting and the opposition

Conduct research into solitary confinement and the death penalty. Discuss the arguments in favor of supporting and the opposition. What are the alternatives to each practice and the implications in the corrections system and society as a whole? Use credible research (Rio Library) when citing supporting data, case studies, and materials.