Who was Jane Addams, and what are the core components of her redemptive ideal of juvenile justice?

Topic: Discussion 7(COR205) Who was Jane Addams, and what are the core components of her redemptive ideal of juvenile justice? In what way were Addams assertions on the etiology of juvenile delinquency a deviation from previous explanations of youthful engagement in illegality? Take a stance for or against Addams explanations of delinquency and support your […]

Identify and discuss two official and two unofficial sources of delinquency information.

Crime and Delinquency Answer the following questions regarding Chapter 2. 1. Contrast the concepts of validity and reliability. Why are these concepts important? 2. Identify and discuss two official and two unofficial sources of delinquency information. 3. Contrast violent crime, property crimes, and status offenses. Are there advantages to a differentiation among these groups? 4. […]

What early-life risk factors are related to later-life delinquency? Of these early-life risk factors, which one(s) would you choose to target in an intervention/prevention program? Why would you choose these risk factors?

Topic: What early-life risk factors are related to later-life delinquency? Of these early-life risk factors, which one(s) would you choose to target in an intervention/prevention program? Why would you choose these risk factors? Paper details: Reading attached no paraphrasing

Explain,List some of the differences between male and female delinquency. Why did previous theories focus almost exclusively on male delinquency? How can feminist theory help fill this theoretical void?

Paper details: List some of the differences between male and female delinquency. Why did previous theories focus almost exclusively on male delinquency? How can feminist theory help fill this theoretical void? Apa references

Discuss on familial risk factors associated with delinquency. Analyze the impact and strategize how to mitigate these risk factors.

Paper details: Write a 100- to 200-word paper on familial risk factors associated with delinquency. Analyze the impact and strategize how to mitigate these risk factors. Please only write a paper about the risk factor “Parental conflict” and the impact and how to mitigate this particular risk factor. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. […]