Do you think the management style in the Red Bead Company has any similarities to the way health care is managed?

Exercise – The Red Bead Experiment (Coin Toss Variation)Toss two coins 10 times in a row. Record your results (Two Heads (HH); One Head – One Tail (HT or TH), or Two Tails (TT) in the table below. Repeat for four additional rounds and record your results. (6 points) Round Toss 1 Toss 2 Toss […]

What ways does your organization manage this balance?

Given the four basic organizational design challenges we have been introduced to this week, choose one and look for a quote from a management or leadership guru preferably one you have been introduced to through your readings and class content (such as Drucker, Deming, or Senge) that you believe sums up the conflict implicit to […]

What are some of the barriers to a successful quality implementation effort?

Discussion Questions How can quality be measured for the following? Phone service Automobile repair Ballpoint pens What are the differences between quality of design and quality of conformance? Product A has an MTBF of 30 hours and an MTTR of 5 hours. Product B has an MTBF of 40 hours and an MTTR of 2 […]

Explain how your selected organization applies the six steps from key customer-focused practices for quality management in the customer focus to meet or exceed customer requirements.

Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence For this final paper, you will be reviewing and reflecting on the quality management concepts and knowledge gained throughout the course. You will be applying your critical thinking, drawing your own conclusions, and applying what you have learned to improve quality and performance excellence. Follow the prompts below and […]