Compare/Contrast—identification of similarities and/or differences between two things; for example the differences between democracy and socialism, or the differences and similarities of the apple and android operating systems

Group Review Outline for Gender Equality REVISION Formal Outline—Once the research has been gathered, the single most important aspect of speech preparation is the organization of the speech. A formal outline helps to provide the organization and structure necessary for a good presentation. To that end, this assignment requires the submission of a formal (full-sentence) […]

How does democracy survive given such low levels of political knowledge among Americans over time?

American government Since the advent of polling, political scientists have found that Americans don’t know much about the details of political issues or even the names of many leading politicians. Education is one distinguishing factor that separates the politically sophisticated from the unsophisticated, but, since education levels have increased over the last half-century, why hasn’t […]

What is identity politics-Where does the term originate-how do you understand contemporary arguments about identity politics?

Choose 2 prompt and write. (democracy, international relationship) This writing is meant to assess your knowledge and understanding of the material covered the second half of the course. Choose two of the prompts below to respond to. Make sure to answer each sub-question. Your answers to these prompts should be written as short essays with […]

What precedents did the Nazis draw upon in formulating their genocidal plan-actions-What was unique about their plan?

Nazi Germany Essay Answer these 2 questions in about a page each. No more than 700 words for each question. There is a book called Question 1: Word limit: 700 words How did a democracy become a dictatorship? What was at the core of Nazi ideology? Why were many Germans attracted to Nazism and why […]

What cultural considerations do you need to take into account for your particular audience/topic?

Week 5 Discussion: The Cold War Another smaller nation of your choice with instructor approval.For the initial post, address the following in relation to your selection: Examine how Cold War policy by the main players affected the smaller nation. Examine why democracy was not successful in that nation. Describe the loss of personal liberties that […]

Does a country’s level of cultural development explain its level of democracy?

Do cultural values best explain a country’s level of democracy? Write a reasoned conclusion to your research question, given the analysis that you have just completed. Does a country’s level of cultural development explain its level of democracy? Does its economic development serve as a better explanation? Why or why not? What other variables should […]

How can government function if elected officials owe their electoral success to promises made to competing interest groups, especially as these groups work outside government

Discussion Topic Task: Reply to this topic Political Parties now compete with Interest Groups for members, money and attention. This is somewhat logical. Is it not a single issue or a single set of issues that lure a person into politics? Interest Groups often presents themselves as the purer way to be civically engaged. A […]

What is “power” in general, and why do we consider its division in the state so important?

Questions 1. Some people believe that the adoption of modern democracy requires the acceptance of the basic tenets of liberalism. Why is that the case? 2. Modern democracy is mostly representative, thus making the methods used to elect representatives especially important. Starting from these two observations, explain the link between representative democracy and electoral systems. […]