Does democracy contribute to the legitimacy of the state?Discuss

Description There are two parts to this TMA. Part 1: (60 per cent of the mark for this assignment) Does democracy contribute to the legitimacy of the state? Word limit: 1,500 words Part 2: (40 per cent of the mark for this assignment) In what ways should citizens participate in a democracy? Word limit: 1,000 […]

Is the United States really obligated to help a country get back on its feet if that nation was involved with attacking the United States or causing harm to American citizens?Discuss

Background Information Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State Colin Powell is known for his “Pottery Barn rule.” Powell stated, “if you break it, you own it.” He was referring to the idea that if the United States, or any other nation, attacks another country and causes great destruction, it […]

So is Oil the Main Obstacle to Democracy in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States?Discuss

-I uploaded 3 files for resources. The two key readings folders are important, please use them . The further readings folder also contains some relevant readings use the ones applicable. -Draw upon a range of literature and some empirical examples (some empirical evidence for the arguments) and every argument substantiated. On that note, please support […]

Is democracy dying?Discuss

Is democracy dying? You can select one aspect of democracy (such as voting, political representation, the rise of populism, or democratic backsliding, and so on), or take a broader perspective. In your answer, be sure to focus on the quality and strength of the empirical evidence and any methodological issues of concern.

Discuss The impact of authoritarianism on democracy & development.Is authoritarianism a product of internal or external factors or both?

Description Bibliography and citing sources into the essay by the Harvard style. Remember to insert the author’s surname, year of publication and the page where you take information from. Introduction: – Explaining what you will talk about briefly. – How you will structure your essay – Make clear your pinion/ position 1st Paragraph: Define key […]

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this nation’s efforts at democracy since 1865. Who historically has been included? Who has been excluded? What has made the nation change to improve its democratic project over these years?

essay detailing the strengths and weaknesses of this nation’s efforts at democracy since 1865. Who historically has been included? Who has been excluded? What has made the nation change to improve its democratic project over these years?

Discuss how are people to tell the difference between reliable, factual information and “fake news”?

1. In contemporary society, information is distributed by print (newspaper and magazines, etc.), broadcast (radio & television), and multiple “social media” platforms. With such diversity of available opinion. If “democracy” flourishes best when citizens are well-informed, how are people to tell the difference between reliable, factual information and “fake news”?

Discuss how the dispute over slavery during the presidency of Lincoln altered the nation’s concept of democracy.

Discuss how the dispute over slavery during the presidency of Lincoln altered the nation’s concept of democracy. Examine Lincoln’s reasoning for passing the Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment into law and how such decisions were perceived by both northern and southerners during the war. Must use McPherson why men fought in the civil war