Is Democracy a universal ideal for which we should all strive? What is democracy? How can one live it out in his or her everyday life? Is Democracy always a good thing? What about other options? Anarchism, Fascism, etc.? Are people too stupid for Democracy to function? Make sure you discuss “Democracy as a Universal Value.”Discuss.

Summarize the material Tell me your thoughts and back them up with an argument Deal with possible counter-arguments that disagree with your thesis. It’s ok if you can’t answer them. I just want to make sure you’ve really thought through the problem. Democracy: Is Democracy a universal ideal for which we should all strive? What […]

What might the term economic democracy mean? What do progressives see as the relationship between the health of a society’s economy and the health of its democracy?

Item 1. James Madison, Federalist 10. In a 4-5 sentence paragraph, complete the following thought: “In America, a direct democracy will be unworkable. A republic, on the other hand, offers several advantages, including _________________.” Item 2. Alexis de Tocqueville, “Principle of the Sovereignty of the People of North America.” Informed by your reading of Tocqueville’s […]

Explain on how the Athenian concepts of democracy, justice, or law still influence society today. Must use a source citation for each post.

Respond to each post with at least a paragraph each. Be sure to include your thoughts on how the Athenian concepts of democracy, justice, or law still influence society today. Must use a source citation for each post.

Describe how much you see De Tocqueville’s observations about the United States holding true today – or not.

Alexis De Tocqueville was a French nobleman and journalist. He came to the United States in 1831 and toured the northeast, midwest and south of the country. He wrote a two volume book, “On Democracy” about his observations. Written for a French audience that was more used to the feudalism that had only recently begun […]

Explain the cultural and social ideas of Jacksonian Democracy. Then, consider who benefitted from Jacksonian Democracy and explain how you imagine this provided Tocqueville with his high esteem of democracy. For example, how did Jacksonian Democracy influence settlers in the old Southwest, the poor farmers, immigrants, Native Americans, slaves, women, and other groups?

Alexis de Tocqueville toured America after Andrew Jackson’s administration, a period of time your textbook titles “Jacksonian Democracy.” Tocqueville believed American democracy would eventually overthrow monarchies to become the world’s dominate governing system. In a paper, explain the cultural and social ideas of Jacksonian Democracy. Then, consider who benefitted from Jacksonian Democracy and explain how […]

Describe the political opportunity theory of social movements. Identify its limitations and highlight its significance in the study of social movements.

Describe the political opportunity theory of social movements. Identify its limitations and highlight its significance in the study of social movements. Examine the symbolic interactionist perspective on the social construction of illness. Compare and contrast the following political systems in global perspective: monarchy, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and democracy. Text: Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials 11th […]

Discuss,According to the learning content, how did American founders view the role of the press in a democracy? What actions did they take to protect the press? Why?

Learning Content: (the books can be found on, links and log in info have been provided) • United States of Distraction Prologue and Chapter 1 • The Anatomy of Fake News Introduction and Chapter 1 • UNITED STATES OF DISTRACTION: FIGHTING THE FAKE NEWS INVASION (2020) Assignment Requirements: Your post (your response to the […]

Summarize the main arguments by a) Eggers and O’Leary and b) Donahue. In your summary, make sure you reference the arguments in EACH of the 3 sections you find in EACH of the excerpts. (30%) (include at least 1 direct quote from each section – underline the quotes so I can find them – so 6 quotes total)

In this essay you will consider arguments about where policy decisions should be made (Federal or state government levels) and the implications of the Covid-19 crisis for this debate. To prepare to write the essay, read: 1) “The New Federalism” (from Debating Democracy) which includes an introduction by Miroff followed by short readings by Eggers/O’Leary […]

Discuss. Is migration a more contentious issue in the contemporary era or just the continuing historical pattern of the movement of peoples?

Select one of the following themes and discuss how it has influenced the development of international relations, comparing the contemporary era to one other period in history: decolonisation; bipolarity; economic crises; international crime and terrorism. Identify the driving forces of decolonisation and how they explain perceptions of power between the colonised and the colonising. What, […]