Discuss:In a concluding paragraph, you will try to reconcile the two differing portraits of Athens found in the excerpts. What is the author trying to tell you about his home city? What is he trying to say about democracy?

1.) Read the primary source: excerpts from The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. (Theres video thats said could be helpful called “The Persians and the Greeks,” which talks about this excerpt. Ill give you the link, its not needed but there just in case.) 2.) Evaluate the primary source by answering the following […]

What type of democracy is America? What are the three branches of government? What do check and balances mean? Who elects, how long is a term, and how many are allowed for a congressperson, president, Senator, and Supreme Court Justice?

America purports to be a democracy. What type of democracy is America? What are the three branches of government? What do check and balances mean? Who elects, how long is a term, and how many are allowed for a congressperson, president, Senator, and Supreme Court Justice? In your response, share the name of your congressperson […]

Describe how government spending and the composition of the government changed in recent decades. In other words, in what areas has the government cut spending and in what areas has the government increased spending in recent decades?

• Describe how government spending and the composition of the government changed in recent decades. In other words, in what areas has the government cut spending and in what areas has the government increased spending in recent decades? • Determine if this change in government spending and composition will help Americans achieve a higher living […]

Discuss:What do you think caused the rise of fake news during the 2016 election? Does it represent a threat to democracy? Does fake news make it more difficult for you to make decisions about voting?

After watching the 60 Minutes segment as well as other sources, what do you think caused the rise of fake news during the 2016 election? Does it represent a threat to democracy? Does fake news make it more difficult for you to make decisions about voting? Explain your answer in fewer than 300 words. Youtube.com/watch?v=JzwXgovJko4

What roles have the US played in the Middle East? Be sure and discuss oil.

What roles have the US played in the Middle East? Be sure and discuss oil. The second page should answer: Many people argue that democracy is not necessarily the appropriate form of government everywhere. Is the Middle East made up of democracies? Which ones? Should all of the Middle Eastern governments become democracies? Use material […]