What Amendment is the most important in your life and why-What U.S. Amendment do you feel is “under protected” that should be protected.

GOVT2305 questions QUESTION 1 : What is the Supremacy Clause? Provide at least one example of when you think the Supremacy Clause should be used. Provide at least one example of how you think the Supremacy Clause was poorly used? For example, think of a time when the U.S. Government mandated a federal law where […]

Explain and critically respond to Arendt’s argument in On Revolution.

Answer two out of the four questions. Your exam should be 10+ pages and include extensive textual evidence. Quotes should be appropriately cited and unpacked. Explain the difference between liberalism and republicanism and the difference between left (democratic) and right (conservative) versions of republicanism using Harrington, Montesquieu, Locke, and Arendt. Explain the influence of Puritan […]

Why should Americans consider themselves bound by a document that is more than 200 years old and that few people proportionally or absolutely voted to ratify?

Topic: How Democratic is the US Constitution? Answer the following questions How Democratic is the US Constitution? Why should Americans consider themselves bound by a document that is more than 200 years old and that few people proportionally or absolutely voted to ratify? Your paper must give Dahl’s arguments careful consideration. You need a total […]

What practical strategies would you incorporate into your personal practice to develop your leadership potential?

Leadership 1) Identify and describe a leadership style in nursing (authoritarian, Laissez-fair, democratic, transformational, and transactional). 2) Research and discuss leadership issues in nursing that correlate with the selected leadership style. 3) What practical strategies would you incorporate into your personal practice to develop your leadership potential? 4) Use a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed research […]

Do we uphold the ideals these founders held forth as national priorities for growing a healthy democratic society?

Use this period of eloquence and reason of radical thinkers and the founding fathers of our nation. The readings give insight into the philosophical conversations and rhetorical reasoning that led to the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and our nation’s Constitution. The origins in early political parties such as the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. As […]

How do we make the setting of the Global Health agenda more democratic?

The task is to write a text in the format of a blog post for a non-specialized audience answering the question “How do we make the setting of the Global Health agenda more democratic?. The length should be 400. References must be embedded as hyperlinks. https://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/en/analyses/global-health-on-the-international-agenda-lessons-from-the-pandemic-for-a-new-role-for-spain-in-the-world/

How does the leadership-management style impact on team working?

A Reflection on your own leadership and team working skills. What factors promote or prevent good team working e.g. effective communication both face to face and using remote technology such as WhatsApp – what are the positives and negatives of such technology? different team roles – think of Belbin’s Team inventory (1981) and your own […]

Did you look at the issues from both sides-present a clear answer to those issues?

You are running for public office in 1860. Your assignment is to research the candidates who represented the Republican and Democratic Parties that year. Find out first of all, what issues these two candidates were dealing with in their campaign. Second, you are to pick a side on which you wish to take a stand. […]

What are some of the benefits-advantages-criticisms of the Electoral College in a democratic system?

Choose ONE question from the following: Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout? Discuss the political issues surrounding campaign funds. Be sure to include sources of funding, (ie. SuperPacs, 527 committees etc.), […]