Identify several (7-10) critical thinking skills and concepts that you’ve learned in this course that are necessary to apply when engaging in civic life, and discuss why you think they are important.

The value of truth in a democratic society. The final paper is an opportunity for you to reflect on and synthesize what you have learned this semester. Throughout this course you have learned about basic principles of logic and argumentation, philosophical theories of truth and how it is established, and obstacles to critical thinking such […]

How might this position be defended utilizing the material that we have read for this week’s session?

In a capitalist and democratic society there are certain realities that exist as a result of ones social class, race/ethnicity, and/or gender. Situated in the realm of social control, there are those that have argued that the criminal justice system maintains itself as a mechanism of social control due to the functional nature of crime. […]

What role does an informed public play in a democratic society? How do we distinguish between news sources in the world of social media?

Carefully review the study conducted on diversity in the entertainment media; the report is attached: 1. What are some general conclusions we can make from the data presented here? 2. How does it shape cultural themes regarding gender, race, and sexuality? 3. How do the images presented onscreen influence what we consider to be the […]