What was your understanding of the events recounted in the book?

Wilmington’s Lie Answer the following questions within the body of your essay: According to Zucchino, what about the demographics of Wilmington in 1898 made it unique? Democrats were the party of white supremacy; the Republicans were the ones that African Americans joined and supported. So you had this black middle class and meaningful representation in […]

What are the primary areas of difference between contemporary Democrats-Republicans-How are the two parties similar?

This essay is comprised of two components. The essay must be at least 1000 words overall.Include a works cited page as well. Part One: Begin by completing the following political ideology quizzes: Advocates for Self Government a libertarian website: www.theadvocates.org/quiz Pew Research Center for People & the Press: www.people-press.org/typlogy/quiz Next, analyze the results. Do you […]

Why have third parties never really taken off in America-Would you like to see a third party alternative to the Democrats-Republicans?

Discussion 9 Why have third parties never really taken off in America? Would you like to see a third party alternative to the Democrats and Republicans? If yes, what would you look for in such a party? Do you think the Democrats and Republicans will ever face a viable third party challenge? Note to writer. […]

What are three current political issues of importance to this party-Give specific, well-developed examples.

Internet Activity 3 America has an interesting assortment of minor political parties. Use this Directory of U.S. Political Parties https://www.politics1.com/parties.htm and select two Third Parties (NOT Democrats or Republicans) from the list that you would like to learn more about. Choose at least one of the “Big Three” Third Parties. Explore their sites and answer […]

What solution to the issue are the Democrats proposing-What solution to the issue are the Republicans proposing? Fully describe each parties’ solution and support your description with cited evidence.

Debt Ceiling Question : The Federal Government faces a shutdown of all but essential services this Friday if a solution to the issue of raising the debt ceiling or some other budget solution is reached. In your paper, address the following: What is the debt ceiling and what is the current issue with the debt […]

Who are leading candidates for the Democrats, and Republicans-Are there any third party candidates who might have any impact on this race?

Who are leading candidates for the Democrats, and Republicans? Are there any third party candidates who might have any impact on this race? What are national issues that will impact this race? How will Trump affect this race? Who is going to win this race and why?  

Discuss Does the utility of ANOVA decline as we begin to compare more and more groups?

Description The two-sample t-test is useful because it compares the means between two groups, whereas ANOVA compares the means across multiple groups (e.g., Republicans, Democrats, and Independents). Does the utility of ANOVA decline as we begin to compare more and more groups?

What suggestions can you offer to improve the situation and how would you advise the candidates to communicate that message to the general public?

Outline three critical national issues facing the nation and how Democrats and Republicans should actively address these issues: 1-Jobs and employment 2- Education 3- Income inequality As a political strategists and thinkers, this paper should also be solution-oriented. For example, it is not enough to simply say, “racism is a major problem in the United […]