What are the requirements on each view for some capacity/disposition/property to constitute or determine human nature on each of these views?

Descartes (1641) comes to the conclusion at the end of Meditation 2 that what “I” refers to is a thinking thing. Humans in this view are essentially thinking things. Descartes ultimately came to the conclusion that only humans have minds, other animals being mere automata. Birch et al. (2020) explain that the scientific consensus today […]

Discuss whether it is a strong argument or weak argument and then give your reasons.

An argument from modern philosophy Write about Descartes’ argument, This paper has 2 parts. In the first part, you will fully reconstruct the argument and explain it. In the second part, you will give your reaction to it. Discuss whether it is a strong argument or weak argument and then give your reasons.  

Discuss how each may be avoided, if it can be, by applying Descartes’ analysis and method.

Descartes Meditation Descartes discusses three successive levels of possible error in the First Meditation. Specify the three levels and discuss how each may be avoided, if it can be, by applying Descartes’ analysis and method. Furthermore, explain how Descartes, or anyone, may still make mistakes, including errors that may be introduced by the possibility that […]

Explain and critique Descartes’ argument for why we can be certain we exist.

Explain and critique Descartes’ argument for why we can be certain we exist. As part of your critique, you can examine what the ” or the self is, if Descartes’ argument succeeds. In other words, what does Descartes’ argument entail regarding the nature of the self? Does it entail a plausible account of the self?

Explain and critique Descartes’ argument for why we can be certain we exist.

Explain and critique Descartes’ argument for why we can be certain we exist. As part of your critique, you can examine what the or the self is, if Descartes’ argument succeeds. In other words, what does Descartes’ argument entail regarding the nature of the self? Does it entail a plausible account of the self?

Is Descartes just proving what we already know, or have we discovered something important on this journey from doubt to absolute certainty?

from page 23 meditation number 5 begins until the last one which ends in meditation 6 So Descartes spends the whole time in this book, which you’ve now finished reading, trying to prove two simple things and one not-so-simple (rather huge) thing. The simple things; and a whole wide world apart from exists, including other […]

What was the Descartes and Hobbes vie on the mind-body problem

Chapter 2 Contrast the various positions taken by René Descartes and Thomas Hobbes on the mind-body problem. How did they help psychology move forward? 1. Who is Descartes/ what did he do 2. Who is Hobbes/ what did he do 3. What was the Descartes and Hobbes vie on the mind-body problem 4. How did […]

Given your account, do you think they can or should be ultimately understood as separate?

BODY IN PHILOSOPHY In Discipline and Punish Foucault distinguishes two registers of the modern machine- body: the “anatomico-metaphysical” and the “technico-political.” Drawing on the readings covered in class (Descartes, Leder, Schiebinger, Foucault) give an account of each of these registers. Given your account, do you think they can or should be ultimately understood as separate? […]

Do you believe God exists?-Clearly describe what you mean when you use the term God-explain why you do or do not believe that such an entity actually exists.

Do you believe God exists? Clearly describe what you mean when you use the term God and explain why you do or do not believe that such an entity actually exists. In the course of your discussion, explain how your own arguments are similar or how they differ from those of Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, and […]