Explain how bulk transfers concern creditors and how the Uniform Commercial Code attempts to regulate such transfers.

C H A P T E R 23-Transfer of Title and Risk of Loss • Explain the relative importance of title under the common law and Article 2. • Explain when the seller has a right or power to transfer title and when the transfer is void or voidable. • Distinguish between a shipment contract […]

Discuss,How do you feel about your information passing through a number of devices on the way to its destination? Would you feel differently if you knew some of those devices were not properly secured?

Answer Lab quesitons and write a one to two page reflection on your experience in this week’s lab. Were you surprised by any of the results? In what way? How do you feel about your information passing through a number of devices on the way to its destination? Would you feel differently if you knew […]

Research the destination and draw from your experiences as a tourist, whether business, pleasure, or both, to produce a guide highlighting specific attractions, amenities, or services for tourists specifically directed to the listed markets.

Read Case Study 2, The “Lonely Planet”, in the International Cases in Tourism Management book (accessible through the Trefry Library). This case begins on page 47. Answer the final review question. Select a destination that you are familiar with. Research the destination and draw from your experiences as a tourist, whether business, pleasure, or both, […]