What value does it add to your understanding and learning about your life and about the value of philosophy?

The topics to discuss: Libertarianism, Determinism, Compatibilism Book: The Norton Introduction to Philosophy 2nd Edition Readings: Chisholm’s Human Freedom and the Self (Libertarianism), Frankfurt’s Alternative Possibilities and Moral Responsibility (Compatibilism version 1), Wolf’s Asymmetrical Freedom (Compatibilism version 2) Objective: To give a quality exposition of course content that was meaningful, interesting, and aided the most […]

Discuss In what respects does determinism challenge the idea of free will? Likewise, why do libertarians believe that the determinism is false? Ultimately, is the libertarian right that free will and determinism are incompatible, or is free will an illusion?

Topic: Two Discussion Questions on Determinism, Libertarianism, Compatibilism and Hard Determinism Paper details: Discussion Question A Determinism and Libertarianism: In what respects does determinism challenge the idea of free will? Likewise, why do libertarians believe that the determinism is false? Ultimately, is the libertarian right that free will and determinism are incompatible, or is free […]

Discuss hard determinism, libertarianism, and soft determinism/compatibilism, then take a position.

Here is the question you should investigate for your essay, using this hypothesis: What would the simulation hypothesis mean for free will? Discuss hard determinism, libertarianism, and soft determinism/compatibilism, then take a position. The determinism/indeterminism dilemma may also be important. Remember, your goal is to demonstrate your understanding of these theories by explaining them and investigating what it […]