Using the definitions found in Chapter 1 of Quantitative Analysis the Internet, and your own personal experiences

Action Items Using the definitions found in Chapter 1 of Quantitative Analysis, the Internet, and your own personal experiences, make notes on and post one example of each of the following to the class Discussion Board topic “Deterministic and Probabilistic Models”. A deterministic model ; A probabilistic model ; and A situation in which you […]

Explain briefly what the theme of the game is-Explain briefly what elements of the game you will analyze and offer as evidence.

Gaming firewatch Summary: Through the game Fire watch, define and explain the elements of a video game that the developers use to create meaning (that is, to get across ideas, values, critics, etc). Explain what the game means, i.e., its themes, its message, its central ideas. Specifics: Part 1. Play Play Firewatch. If you have […]

How far do explanations of offending based on individual factors (such as biology, psychology, life-course, and addiction) challenge ideas of free will-choice?

Criminology How far do explanations of offending based on individual factors (such as biology, psychology, life-course, and addiction) challenge ideas of free will and choice? Are they too deterministic to be useful? Crucially, answers needed to try to assess what the implications and issues with such an understanding might be – does it lead to […]