Write about the need to research new methods to reduce the negative outcomes among the disadvantage with type 2 diabetes. Write about how the PICO approach was used to determine if telehealth or home health could be effective overtime in the reduction of patient complication and or hospital readmission rates. Lastly identify the best research article that can provide the most reliable answer.

Define the PICOT Approach Write about the PICOT method and how it is used in evidence base research Utilize the PICO question above and Write about how the effective development of a PICOT question can lead to the development of best practices used to reduce the complications of type 2 diabetes. Section 1: “Utilize the […]

Identify challenges faced by nurses when providing dietary education and how has diabetes education changed overtime for patients in ethnic minority groups

Identify and appraise critically evidence relating to the role of nurses in providing dietary education for patients in ethnic minority groups Identify challenges faced by nurses when providing dietary education and how has diabetes education changed overtime for patients in ethnic minority groups

Discuss The role of nurses in providing structured patient education for the self-management of type 2 diabetes

The question is: The role of nurses in providing structured patient education for the self-management of type 2 diabetes (This question is not fully formulated (? Whether it is a broad area); therefore, the question can be slightly changed if required. But this is the concept I would like to discuss something along the lines […]