Do you have any personal, religious reservations, or discomforts that would interfere with your ability to advise clients and ask them how they would address these personal conflicts?

R.K. is a home health nurse practitioner who delivers primary care to a predominantly Medicare population. The role of the home health nurse practitioner is to provide assessments to individuals inclusive of the environment, provide direct skilled care and treatment, and provide education and referrals as needed. He must work closely with the patient and […]

What factors might you consider in supporting Mr. Smith’s self-care?

Case Study Analysis Journal – Mr. Smith Journal Prompt You are conducting an assessment with Mr. Smith 45 years old known Diabetic with visual impairment. You gathered information that reveals that he is homeless and spends nights in a local shelter. He is unable to comply with his diabetes medication or ensure adequate diet to […]

What kind of changes in practice that you and your team might consider in case your proposed audit criteria is not meeting the standard?

Audit Proposal- Diabetic Patients` Lack of Knowledge or & Education about their Condition & Its Complications Introduction: background about the selected assessment method, rational for the audit, aim and objectives, supported by relevant evidence from literature Proposed method should include Patients characteristics and team involved. Inclusion and exceptions Participants (team involved in data collection) How […]