Design that piece, keeping in mind efficiency, simplicity and prac@cality.

Assignment 1: Engineering Design & CAD (3%) Explana@on: In this assignment, students will design an object using CAD tools to solve a given problem, design it and 3D model and 3D print it. Try to make your design simple. Check the 3D file given to you. You are an employee in ABC company and are […]

Discuss in the context of your plot. If the radius of the given cylindrical resistor is twice as much, what would be the corresponding resistance?

Lab 4 – Resistivity Instructions & Data Sheet Resistance of a resistor is modeled by the equation     (1) Where R is the resistance (Ω), L is the length (m), A is the cross-sectional area (m2), and ρ is a constant dependent upon the material called the resistivity (Ω-m). The length, thickness and material of a […]