Discuss the seeming dichotomy between biology-culture-how it relates to human evolution.

Topic Evolution is about the ‘survival of the fittest’, but successful survival strategy often entails group dynamics rather than simple individual superiority over others. On one hand, genes survive into successive generations if an individual organism is successful at passing those genes onto offspring, but survival and mating also requires negotiating social adaptations as well. […]

What are the mechanisms by which evolution may occur? What is your perspective on how nature and nurture govern behavior? How does Darwin’s theory relate to Psychology?

This assignment will focus on the dichotomy of nature and nurture and their effects on Evolution. Evolution, as defined by our text is descent with modification from a common ancestor. It has been a long held belief that behavior is derived from nature or nurture. However, it has recently been made clear that both nature […]

Discuss the dichotomy portrayed in the story. Explain in detail why this aspect stood out to you and support those ideas with actual text from the story.

In the Iliad, there is a dichotomy between war and peace, suffering and understanding. How can this contrast be related to a current global issue? Introduce the story and author. Provide a short overview of the story so as to provide a background for your response and a clear thesis statement. Discuss the dichotomy portrayed […]

Explain both sides of the debate on whether the politics-administration dichotomy exists in practice or only in theory. Give specific real-world examples in your debate.

In 750-1,000 words, do the following: Describe the politics-administration dichotomy. Explain both sides of the debate on whether the politics-administration dichotomy exists in practice or only in theory. Give specific real-world examples in your debate. Describe what side you tend to agree with more and why. Use two to four scholarly resources to support your […]