Explain the importance of a sound bridge and its functions using any scene from the film Almost Famous.

Sound Read Chapter 9 (Sound) pages 320 to page 356 and watch Almost Famous (USA 2000) in order to answer the following “Questions for Review” (at the end of the chapter, page 356, Sixth edition): 1) Describe how sound design is used in Almost Famous 3) Give one example of diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound […]

Choose two montage works for comparison one of which needs to be a film (one of the works can be from your previous essay and the only requirement is that the two works are not listed under the same week).Compare the works according to their montage aspects: 1) types of elements used in montage (ready-made or not, type of ready-made, etc.)

Choose two montage works for comparison one of which needs to be a film (one of the works can be from your previous essay and the only requirement is that the two works are not listed under the same week). (You are also free to choose works which are not on any of these lists […]