Choose the calorie level closest to your estimated Part 2 Analysis calorie needs value.

Description Instructions Part III: MyPlate (60 pts) This document should be APA, times, 12 font submitted to your assignment folder on December 7th, 10 pm, 2020. Step 1: Finding Your MyPlate Daily Checklist Locate your estimated calorie needs in Cronometer (and as discussed in the Energy Balance section of the Part 2 analysis questions). For […]

Discuss about the role of fat in diet during pregnancy, as prepared before with total energy, carbohydrates, proteins, and micronutrients.

Please can I order one additional page to go with order ID: 4238576910 prepared by the writer with number 242820. This needs to go with the part about diet during pregnancy. Please see the attachment) and work 4238576910 to see the context. One page about the role of fat in diet during pregnancy, as prepared […]

Do the meals appear to fall in line with current food guides giventhat healthy meals are provided at home at other times of the day?What is your estimation of the quality of the meals provided?Explain

Topic 1:​ Kid’s TV – Watch 2 to 3 hours of prime time children’s televisionprogramming. Analyze the nutrition information presented. ●To what approximate age group is the food advertisementdirected? ●What percent of food versus other items do you see in theadvertisements? ●What is the quality of food advertised? ●What characteristics of children do they exploit? […]

Identify the name of the diet and its purpose (weight maintenance, long term health, etc.). Explain its key points in terms of nutrition (focus on protein, carbohydrates, etc.). Also discuss the diet plan and the diet’s strengths and weaknesses. Summarize your paper by evaluating whether you believe the diet is one that is healthy as compared to dietary guidelines.

Research a diet currently being used by the public. It can be a commercial diet such as Atkins, Weight Watchers; a regional diet such as Mediterranean; or one that focuses on types of food such as vegan. Identify the name of the diet and its purpose (weight maintenance, long term health, etc.). Explain its key […]

What are the pros and cons of a meat-based protein diet vs a plant-based protein diet when it comes to muscle building?

Conduct a literature review to answer the question posed in Module 1A: Discussion (Question: What are the pros and cons of a meat-based protein diet vs a plant-based protein diet when it comes to muscle building?) Write a 3—4 page paper that summarizes the literature related to your topic and provides evidence-based recommendations. Your paper […]

What are the pros and cons of a meat-based protein diet vs a plant-based protein diet when it comes to muscle building?

Topic: Animal Based Protein Diet Vs Non Animals Based Protein Diet Paper details: What are the pros and cons of a meat-based protein diet vs a plant-based protein diet when it comes to muscle building? Discuss how you would incorporate the evidence into practice and respond

Determine whether the following two arguments are inductive or deductive, then explain why the argument is valid, invalid, strong, or weak.

Paper details: Answer the following seven questions about the reading and videos for the week. 1. Think back to the conversations you’ve had during the last week. Give an example of a deductive argument and an inductive argument that you or your interlocutor made. For each of these arguments, list the premises and the conclusion. […]

Explain what nutrition is and why it is important,Describe the characteristics of a healthy diet and provide supporting examples.

Explain what nutrition is and why it is important. Describe the characteristics of a healthy diet and provide supporting examples. Identify at least two (2) factors (other than culture) that can impact a person’s food choices and provide a specific example for each. Research a culture (e.g., ethnic, religious, dietary) where specific food restrictions are […]