Identify commonly used dietary supplements. Assess evidence that indicates how dietary supplements impact mental performance.

you will prepare a pamphlet aimed at adults at a community center. In the pamphlet you will: Identify commonly used dietary supplements. Assess evidence that indicates how dietary supplements impact mental performance. Provide a short question and answer list (5–7) about what consumers need to be aware of before taking any dietary supplement. Support your […]

Compare and contrast dietary staples between cultures of a particular region.What are their main meals?Are there any special terms used in their food preparation/cooking methods? How would you describe these? Do they require special equipment?When it comes to diet and health, are there any concerns you might need to consider when working with this population?

Select ​one (1) country/topic from each​ of the lists below. Click on the appropriate forum in the”Discussion Board” tab, then create a thread to submit your post. Include your first name, last name, andchapter topic in the subject line. [Ex: Dina R. D’Alessandro – Burkina Faso]. Please ​enter your post textdirectly into text field​ rather […]

Identify challenges faced by nurses when providing dietary education and how has diabetes education changed overtime for patients in ethnic minority groups

Identify and appraise critically evidence relating to the role of nurses in providing dietary education for patients in ethnic minority groups Identify challenges faced by nurses when providing dietary education and how has diabetes education changed overtime for patients in ethnic minority groups