What may keep persons who are aware of the film’s message from making changes to their diets?

Watch the documentary “Fork Over Knives” this is available for free on Tubi And answer this questions as a discussion with 250 words How can nutrition optimize health, and treat and reverse chronic disease? The film connects the dots between so many unsettling statistics. Which of the many statistics cited in the film startles you […]

What are the long-term implications for this patient if outside interventions are not taken to correct or alter the way this disease impacts this energy pathway?Describe

Part 1:Energy comes into the body through carbohydrates, fats, lipids and proteins and this food energy is transferred to cellular energy through digestion, absorption and transportation. Describe in detail, the process of energy extraction from one of the pathways discussed this term. What specific reactions are taking place within the body or outside the body […]