Write up a short paper describing this artifact, any other important corresponding artifacts, and how they could be useful towards a case.

Digital Forensics 1 For this assignment you are tasked with looking into the iTunes backup image using the Reader tools shown in the iTunes forensics video. The files to do so are attached to this assignment and primarily you will select one particular artifact from the mobile image to dig into further. write up a […]

Identify at least two ways in which steganography complicates forensic investigations and explain why.

CYS 663 Digital forensics During this module, you explored techniques for hiding and scrambling information. Archived/temp data are a reliable source of e-evidence. Identify at least two motivations for using steganography. Should all who use steganography be considered subversive or a danger to society? Identify at least two ways in which steganography complicates forensic investigations […]

Explain how to manage digital evidence throughout the lifecycle of a case so that it is admissible in court or for use in legal action

CYS 663 Digital forensics and investigating During this module, you explored the topics of forensic methods and labs. Different kinds of cases go through different processes. It is important that the investigator manages digital evidence throughout this process and follows guidelines. Consider the do’s and don’ts of managing digital evidence and respond to the following: […]

What tools would you have in your toolkit?

Digital Forensics toolkit For this assignment, you must create an original post addressing the question below. Question: Create a digital forensics investigative toolkit. What tools would you have in your toolkit? Document the following: The features of each tool How much does each tool cost (if applicable) Advantages/disadvantages https://www.bluevoyant.com/knowledge-center/understanding-digital-forensics-process-techniques-and-tools