Why is motivation important in consumer behavior?

Think about a role of motivation in marketing and consumer behavior. What is motivation in marketing contexts? Why is motivation important in consumer behavior? Give one or two real world examples that well-reflect the important role of motivation in marketing activities (e.g., advertising, sales, digital marketing, branding, packaging, etc.).  

How did the organization handle the crisis using online marketing channels?

8.2 Connecting to the Customer Discuss In your initial post, describe the direct and digital marketing tactics the brand uses to tailor offers and content to the needs and interests to defined segments or individual buyers to build customer relationships, a brand community, and/or sales. Examine and summarize the crisis situation. How did the organization […]

What sites do they visit online-Which devices do they most use-How do they interact with the digital world?

Digital marketing – Correctworker.com website https://correctworker.com/ Describe their target market, both demographically and specifically in terms of their behavior online. What sites do they visit online? Which devices do they most use? How do they interact with the digital world?  

Distinguish between the linear, influencer and interactional models of communications.Explain the process of adoption and diffusion of an innovation in relation to the concepts of opinion followers and word of mouth communications.

Description Communications and Digital Marketing You are provided with 3 questions out of which you are required to answer Three questions only in essay format. Each question has equal weighting. Word count per each essay question 1500 + 10%. You need to support your answers to each chosen question with appropriate credible referenced sources. Your […]

Explain how and in what way does the organisation assure its customers with regard to the security and protection of data ?

The second assessment is an individual essay. Based on the readings issued and additional independent reading by you The task is to carry out a ‘Digital Maturity Assessment on an organisation of your choice. • Having completed this assessment, you are required to award and iustifv an overall score rating on a scale of 1-10. […]

Explain how and in what way does the organisation assure its customers with regard to the security and protection of data ?

• Having completed this assessment, you are required to award and iustifv an overall score rating on a scale of 1-10. • Such assessment should address at least the following strategic and operational performance dimensions : Strategy co Organisations srategic digital vision; do they have a digital vision ? What evidence is there ? (ii) […]