How can an SCU education help you prepare for and address this challenge? (150-300 words)

Santa Clara University Admission Prompt 2 At SCU, we push our students to be creative, be challenged, and be the solution. Think about an ethical dilemma that you care about that our society is currently facing. This can be something happening in your local community or more globally. How can an SCU education help you […]

What strategies worked best for you when dealing with each of Albert’s strategies?

Alternative Dispute Resolution Discussion Before discussion, play the Prisoner’s Dilemma game at one of the computerized versions below; Be prepared to discuss the follow questions: Does the Prisoner’s Dilemma accurately depict real life? How? In what ways does it not reflect real life? What does the game tell you about the conditions needed for cooperation […]

Identify a policy that currently exists to address this dilemma, and analyze the policy according to the ethical frame

Read your articles, considering a current ethical challenge or dilemma in that sector, and why this dilemma/challenge is occurring. Identify a policy that currently exists to address this dilemma, and analyze the policy according to the ethical frame Write an essay of 1,500-2,000 words which critically reviews the articles, discusses the issue, and addresses the […]

Describe an incident or situation that created a dilemma or sense of conflict for you with regards to your research practice. What happened, where and when?

 Describe an incident or situation that created a dilemma or sense of conflict for you with regards to your research practice. What happened, where and when?  Why was this situation significant to you? What was your immediate response when it happened? How did you feel, and what did you think, after the experience? […]

What is the moral dilemma about? What virtue or virtues should be shown? (You are here selecting the best course of action) Why is that virtue or those virtues to be shown?

What is the moral dilemma about? What virtue or virtues should be shown? (You are here selecting the best course of action) Why is that virtue or those virtues to be shown? How should the virtue or virtues be expressed, and why in that manner? Apply Aristotle’s golden mean to the dilemma. Tell us how […]

What in your view is the most moral thing for that person to do in that dilemma? Why is that the most moral thing?Analyze

Summarize the dilemma. Define any needed key terms associated with the dilemma. Analyze the conflicts or controversies involved in the dilemma. Revise and rewrite based on any feedback you received in your previous draft (week three). Reference and discuss any professional code of ethics relevant to your topic such as the AMA code for doctors, […]

What specific problems did these three women encounter as women authors? How did they try to come to terms with their dilemma?Discuss

Description There are a number of works by representative female authors such as Anne Bradstreet, Phillis Wheatley, and Emily Dickinson. What specific problems did these three women encounter as women authors? How did they try to come to terms with their dilemma? Write a well-crafted 5- full page essay, doubled spaced plus a works cited. […]

Describe a work-related experience you have had and how either you (preferably) or someone else handled an organizational challenging problem.

You must describe a work-related experience you have had and how either you (preferably) or someone else handled an organizational challenging problem. The problem must involve a degree of ambiguity and uncertainty as well as conflicting values and/or priorities that needed to be balanced. Typically, such a problem presents someone with an action dilemma – […]

Analyze an ethical dilemma of advanced practice from the clinical arena.

Evaluation of Ethical Theory: analysis of an ethical dilemma of advanced practice chosen by student. Each student will present an ethical dilemma from the clinical arena. Using that dilemma they will analyze it using bioethical theory, concluding with suggestions for future advanced practice. The ethical dilemma I chose is End of life care. I have […]