Identify who is the decision-maker(s) in the scenario and who is impacted by the decision being made.Discuss.

Drop Box Essay 1 Choose ONE of the ethical dilemmas below and provide a THOUGHTFUL and COMPREHENSIVE essay response that addresses EACH of questions at the end of the scenario. Your response should include an analysis of the situation incorporating the following considerations: Identify and express the ethical dilemma represented by the scenario. Identify who […]

Briefly explain the Trolley Problem (not the Footbridge Dilemma that comes later in the video) in your own words. Then, explain how you think a utilitarian would respond to the dilemma that you explained and whether you agree with the utilitarian that that action is what the individual in the case ought to do.

Watch the video below for a short animation of the traditional Trolley Problem (first scenario) and the Footbridge version (second scenario). Watch the video linked below. briefly explain the Trolley Problem (not the Footbridge Dilemma that comes later in the video) in your own words. Then, explain how you think a utilitarian would respond to […]

Explain How would you respond if faced with this dilemma? Based on your response to the Heinz Dilemma, available below, what stage of moral development would Kohlberg say you are in? Why? How might your response to this dilemma have changed if you were in a different stage of moral development?

This unit discusses Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development and the Heinz Dilemma scenario helps classify an individual’s stage of moral development. How would you respond if faced with this dilemma? Based on your response to the Heinz Dilemma, available below, what stage of moral development would Kohlberg say you are in? Why? How might your […]

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, […]

Explain how the code of ethics applies in reference to technology with this practice issue/ethical dilemma.

Identify and describe a practice issue/ethical dilemma. Provide background information Use professional literature research information Identify and discuss social work values and professional value conflicts involved. Explain how the code of ethics applies in reference to technology with this practice issue/ethical dilemma. Why does the issue/problem matter to social work practice, the community, and/or larger […]

Analyze the ethical situation by introducing the ethical situation and answering specific questions relating to the case.

Case Studies Each case study consists of an ethical situation faced by the organization. Analyze the ethical situation by introducing the ethical situation and answering specific questions relating to the case. Describe the company’s approach taken to resolve the ethical dilemma. Evaluate the company’s approach, using appropriate ethical theories and concepts from the course readings. […]

Tell us about a time in which you faced an ethical dilemma. What was the situation and how did you handle it? In retrospect, how would you have handled the ethical dilemma differently and explain your decision-making process? Give specific examples.

Subject: English Topic: ethical dilemma Paper details: “Tell us about a time in which you faced an ethical dilemma. What was the situation and how did you handle it? In retrospect, how would you have handled the ethical dilemma differently and explain your decision-making process? Give specific examples.”