In reflecting on this story, were you satisfied with what you did? Why?

Sometimes, moral dilemmas will be so tough that we will need resources outside of our personal ethical decision-making toolkit which will come from facts and context. But we will need support as well. The support of peers will be indispensable, and in addition, one of the most powerful tools you will ever have is a […]

Is there any suggestion how to improve the culture of family businesses?

Upgrading the culture of family businesses 1. What is the topic of your thesis, (possible) research questions; 2. How are you going to do the research where, with whom, how, timeline; 3. Which are the next steps. 4. what are your questions and dilemmas now – What topics have already researched before and what is […]

Describe how you use various types of technology to support students with disabilities in both the special education and regular education classroom.

Field Experience B: Student Differences and Individual Learning Needs In the interview, address the following. Discuss the similarities and differences among students with and without disabilities. Describe the characteristics of various disabilities and their educational implications for students at your school. Explain the effects disabilities can have on students’ academic and social development, attitudes, interests, […]

How would you communicate with faculty, staff, students, parents, community to support positive outcomes in your learning community?

Module 3: Ethical Decision, Application Reflection Paper The 3-5-page paper should integrate a Scenario/Case Study Introduction, Ethical Decision-Making Application, Research Application, Best Practice, Personal Philosophy of Education and a Written Application and Reflection Summary. PROMPT: Students are to evaluate and analyze an ethically challenging scenario at the current school site that offers an opportunity to […]

Identify other agencies that offer similar services, identify ineffective policies of your agency, and explore recommendations.

For students who are placed at an agency on-site or completing work remotely:Begin research on this agency. Present a detailed outline in PowerPoint of the major topics you will address in your in final project. Identify and explain at least three research questions relating to the specific services offered to your agency’s client population, identify […]

What advice would you give to the research team to avoid the kinds of ethical dilemmas the study you’ve chosen eventually created?

SWK 640 Ch 5 Reflection Activity Subject is social work and not psychology. Chapter is attached just for your info and Answer questions in your own words and critical thinking. Thank you. 1. Explain how the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics protects both researchers and study participants from unethical conduct. 2. […]

Create and upload a meme here about how you understand the “dilemmas” faced by women’s roles in European drama

Select an aspect of our social life or culture that once held religious significance, but has now become secularized. Using this secularized piece of culture, and through your research, create a list of social factors that contributed to the religious elements diminishing over time. Compose a short paper on how these social factors evolved over […]

What is the value of having an ethics program and what are the responsibilities of front line readers/supervisors and the workers when they face dilemmas such as the one described?

ETHICAL DECISION MAKING IN DIFFICULT SITUATIONSEthical Decisions in the WorkplaceAfter reading your background readings, please review the following scenarioand address the questions at the end.Jerry Stevens heads up an excavation crew for the municipal utilities district in acity in Nebraska. A sewer line needs to be replaced and it has been excavatedwith a back-hoe. The […]

What’s going on there? Who is (if anyone) involved? What do you think the author is trying to say? Do you agree with him/her if yes/no why? What did/didn’t you like about it and why? You should make references to pages of the given book only.

2 p. min. double space. You are not obliged to use any outside literature. Simply write what the reading material is about. What’s going on there? Who is (if anyone) involved? What do you think the author is trying to say? Do you agree with him/her if yes/no why? What did/didn’t you like about it […]

Discuss,What’s going on there? Who is (if anyone) involved? What do you think the author is trying to say? Do you agree with him/her if yes/no why? What did/didn’t you like about it and why? You should make references to pages of the given book only. No need to mention the author or the title. Simply p. # in the text.

2 p. min. double space. You are not obliged to use any outside literature. Simply write what the reading material is about. What’s going on there? Who is (if anyone) involved? What do you think the author is trying to say? Do you agree with him/her if yes/no why? What did/didn’t you like about it […]