Define each type of pay plan and explain the similarities and differences between them.

Imagine that you are the human resources (HR) manager at a manufacturing company. The company you work for is trying to determine whether it can make the switch from using a merit-based pay plan to an incentive-based pay plan. As the HR manager, it is your responsibility to explain each pay plan to your company’s […]

What is the primary issue in the case-What is the author(s) trying to resolve?

Baker Hughes – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Answer the following questions: 1. What is the primary issue in the case? What is the author(s) trying to resolve? 2. Should the Board of Directors and/or external auditors be actively involved in policing foreign corrupt practices or is this a management issue? 3. What were some of […]

Write an analysis of the various fiduciary duties under corporate law and what best practices are followed by Directors in fulfilling their duty.

Action Items Write an analysis of the various fiduciary duties under corporate law and what best practices are followed by Directors in fulfilling their duty. In your analysis discuss how the business judgment rule is used in litigation, who favors the use of the business judgment rule, and when does the business judgment rule not […]

Prepare a quick video addressing  what the HR law change is, how it impacts organizations, -why it is important

Business Organization Behavior 1) Assume you are brought before your board of directors and are asked to make a presentation about a pressing and critical HR matter for 2021 2) Prepare a quick video addressing  what the HR law change is, how it impacts organizations, and why it is important 3) Make your video practical […]

How would the board’s increased involvement in the selection of strategies affect a firm’s strategic competitiveness?

The Board of Directors Top executives and members of a corporation’s board of directors have different roles and responsibilities. Traditionally, executives have been responsible for determining the firm’s strategic direction and implementing strategies to achieve it, whereas the board of directors has been responsible for monitoring and controlling managerial decisions and actions. Some argue that […]