What in Ingstad’s chapter on Disability in the Developing World resonated with you-What is different and similar in developing countries compared the the US?

Disability in the Global Context ANSWER THE TO QUESTIONS BELOW IN YOUR OWN WORDS 1. What in Ingstad’s chapter on Disability in the Developing World resonated with you? What is different and similar in developing countries compared the the US? 2. What in Charlton’s chapter on the everyday lives of people with disabilities resonated with […]

What is the purpose-role of an Office of Disability Services as it relates to students with learning disability labels at an institution of Higher Education?

Personal Reflections In your opinion, what is the purpose and role of an Office of Disability Services as it relates to students with learning disability labels at an institution of Higher Education? What models, theories, experiences, and ideas inform your opinion? What is your connection and interest in Disability Support Services?

What is the name of the company-what motivated them to be active on this pursuit?Did they make a business case for their strategies?

Disability Part 1For this assignment you are to do a “deeper dive” into one of the “Five CompaniesWorking towards Disability Inclusion” reading assignment located on canvas.Answer the following questions:1.) What is the name of the company and what motivated them to be active on thispursuit? Did they make a business case for their strategies?2.) What […]

Discuss what challenged does this group, “children with learning disability” face in society and how can we promote ethical and value-based social work practice when working with them?

Topic: what challenged does this group, “children with learning disability” face in society and how can we promote ethical and value-based social work practice when working with them?

Discuss narrative approaches and the construction/deconstruction of mental health/disability.

Learning outcomes: This assignment addresses the following learning outcomes: LO1 Critically evaluate models of best practice in responding to psychological disorders. LO2 Discuss narrative approaches and the construction/deconstruction of mental health/disability. LO3 Discuss the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in psychological disorders. LO6 Analyse and evaluate the issues involved in therapeutic interventions. L08. Evaluate the role […]

Discuss Why there are negative stereotypes regarding the elderly in our society. How are these stereotypes formed? Can they be changed?

Does not have to be full page 1. Why there are negative stereotypes regarding the elderly in our society. How are these stereotypes formed? Can they be changed? 2. What feelings do you experience when you see a person with a visible disability (e.g. wheelchair user, person who is blind)? How do you think your […]

Demonstrate an understanding of the organisational context that informs practice with people who are ageing and/or have a disability

Assignment Task Apply a strengths-based and person-centred approach and develop a plan to support the family in the case study (case study attached in uploaded documents). Task Description • Discuss, in your answer which models and theoretical perspective you will utilise to develop the plan. • In your plan describe the service delivery models for […]

Discuss,Does parents of children with exceptional needs such as intellectual disability, feel about their child, do they have positive experiences or are they just coping?

Topic: Does parents of children with exceptional needs such as intellectual disability, feel about their child, do they have positive experiences or are they just coping? The articles presented are consistent with the research topic and at least two of them were published within the last five years. The annotations include key components indicated in […]

How do you think society’s perception of this disability differs from the past? Do you think it will change in the future? Use scholarly articles to support your arguments.

Paper details: First, post your PowerPoint presentation in this week’s discussion forum as an attachment. Be sure to name the file with your name and the religion’s name. Second, select a specific disability. Synthesize what it might be like to have this disability in our society today. You should try and give an accurate account […]