What strategies can you personally use to reduce stress of student discipline?

CH 9 Write a page and a half paper including the question in the essay. What strategies can you personally use to reduce stress of student discipline? what personal goals can you set for yourself in this area? the book can be found at https://issuu.com/michaelpillsbury/docs/discipline_with_dignity_4th_ed._pdf

What are the keys to preventing discipline problems in your classroom or school?

Chapter 5 Write a page and a half paper including the question below. What are the keys to preventing discipline problems in your classroom or school? Evaluate your use of those strategies. what are your strenghts and what could you improve upon. book can be found at https://issuu.com/michaelpillsbury/docs/discipline_with_dignity_4th_ed._pdf

Is it appropriate to label this a replication crisis? Or, is Morling right to characterize this as a replication debate?

Discussion Chapter 14 introduces the challenges psychology has recently faced with respect to the replication of published research. Dig a bit deeper and do some research this week (e.g., in the popular press; via the research literature, in websites of professional organizations). Is it appropriate to label this a replication crisis? Or, is Morling right […]

What do you think you need to work on most in order to make your writing more effective?

This is a sample of 4-question homework that needs to be solved. Upload a short but organized essay of at least 350 words to “Project 1 Preliminary Reflection” in USF Writes reflecting on the following prompts: What do you think writing effectively requires of a writer? What are some key concepts about writing that you […]

Explain why this area of psychology is of interest to you-briefly discuss how your current major in biology could benefit from a area of discipline in psychology.

Choose and area or career in psychology you find interesting and define the area by providing historical information, important developments in that field of study, and a relevant person in the field. Also explain why this area of psychology is of interest to you and briefly discuss how your current major in biology could benefit […]

Discuss the relationship between dismissal, discipline, collective bargaining, and due process.

Description Use the readings to write a 4-page paper that includes the following components: 1. Discuss the relationship between dismissal, discipline, collective bargaining, and due process. 2. How have court decisions shaped the law regarding equal protection of students in schools? a. Discuss at least two cases or laws from the reading list as you […]

Explain,how your project will contribute to or intervene in the discipline. It should provide a short overview of key literature and a provisional bibliography.

Topic: The Role of Production in Developing the Horror Films in the Arab Cinema Paper details: Expression of interest. This document can be up to 2500 words long. It should contain a research question, an explanation of how your project will contribute to or intervene in the discipline. It should provide a short overview of […]