How can value best be measured in a supply chain context?

Value in a supply chain 1 Explain what is meant by the term value in a supply chain. How can value best be measured in a supply chain context? 2 Why are processes important in terms of managing logistics? Suggest how the processes of plan, source, make, deliver and return might differ in the case […]

What do you think is the most important discretionary benefit for attracting and retaining employees?

Read the article and answer the question.What An Employee Wants: 6 Benefits You’ve Got To Be Offering ( What do you think is the most important discretionary benefit for attracting and retaining employees? What do you think is the least important discretionary benefit for attracting and retaining employees? Why do some employees choose not to […]

Which benefits would you most likely eliminate-Which would you least likely eliminate? Explain your rationale.

Answer the two questions completely but separately do not combine both questions into a cohesive paper. Answer the following topical discussion questions: 8-3. Describe some ethical dilemmas sales professionals may encounter. How can sales compensation programs be modified to minimize ethical dilemmas? 9-1. Many compensation professionals are faced with making choices about which discretionary benefits […]