What is the name of the company-what motivated them to be active on this pursuit?Did they make a business case for their strategies?

Disability Part 1For this assignment you are to do a “deeper dive” into one of the “Five CompaniesWorking towards Disability Inclusion” reading assignment located on canvas.Answer the following questions:1.) What is the name of the company and what motivated them to be active on thispursuit? Did they make a business case for their strategies?2.) What […]

Explain how the above-mentioned experiences differ from “traditional” institutional discrimination of non-minority groups.

(assignment 1) and (public service case study), (these are two different assignments)1. Describe the lived experiences modern institutional discrimination for one of the ihree identified subgroups or any minority group.2. Explain how the above-mentioned experiences differ from “traditional” institutional discrimination of non-minority groups. 3. Explain the role of affirmative action in combating both modern and […]

Explain how prejudice and discrimination may lead to the disempowerment of individuals.

Equality and Diversity within healthcare You are required to write an essay that demonstrates your understanding of equality and diversity within healthcare settings. A case study has been provided for you to use as the basis of your essay. This is located in the “Download Assessor Guidance” section below. Your essay will need to include […]

What are your thoughts on property damage, including such actions as taking down confederate statues and the like?

Social Protest What is ‘systemic or institutional racism’? How did you feel about the social protests that began last year [i.e, were/are you supportive of the protests, did you or someone you know participate, do you think they should or should not continue] and do you think they have adequately highlighted police brutality against people […]

What are your thoughts about non-violent versus violent protests and actions?

Social Protest What is ‘systemic or institutional racism’? How did you feel about the social protests that began last year [i.e, were/are you supportive of the protests, did you or someone you know participate, do you think they should or should not continue] and do you think they have adequately highlighted police brutality against people […]

What happens when an employee reports an incident of sexual harassment or discrimination?

Organizational Challenge 1.Two research questions are: What training or materials covered the legal definition of sexual harassment & discrimination? What happens when an employee reports an incident of sexual harassment or discrimination? 2. The 1st attachment are the instructions that you will need to follow. 3. The 2nd attachment is my annotated bibliography. Make sure […]

Write a brief paragraph in which you explain what you would like to do for the participatory research component of your final project.

FINAL ESSAY AND PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Identify your issue Write a paragraph in which you explain the issue you will explore in your final essay. What is the contemporary civil rights issue? Why is it a civil rights issue? Why is it important? What will you need to research?Be specific about the topic—do not say, […]

Discuss the difficulty and discrimination of the items and whether or not they would continue to use items on future exams.

Metrics from Weeks 1 through 3 quizzes will provide an ICC for different items. INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL. Discuss the difficulty and discrimination of the items and whether or not they would continue to use items on future exams.